
  • 网络Indian plants;Flora of India
  1. 菊苣一种印度植物(菊苣属苣荬菜),因其冠状的脆而肥厚的叶子可用于沙拉中而种植是大蒜黄油蜗牛,罐焖珍珠鸡加炒米饭,敦苣荬菜,棕榈心色拉和松脆饼。

    An Indian plant ( Cichorium endivia ) cultivated for its crown of crisp , succulent leaves used in salads . They are snails in garlic butter , guinea hen under glass with wild rice , braised endive , heart of palm salad , and croquembouche .

  2. 中义一种印度的植物,在树皮中有很久的纤维适合造纸。

    An Indian plant with a long fiber in its bark that is suitable for papermaking .

  3. 广泛种植的印度热带植物,花黄色,有巨大芳香的深黄色根茎;辛辣调味品和黄色燃料的原料。

    Widely cultivated tropical plant of India having yellow flowers and a large aromatic deep yellow rhizome ; source of a condiment and a yellow dye .

  4. 一种东印度芙蓉属植物的纤维。

    Fiber from an East Indian plant Hibiscus cannabinus .

  5. 在美国南部栽培的一种西印度的饲料植物,也用于改善土壤质量。

    West Indian forage plant cultivated in southern United States as forage and to improve soil .

  6. 东印度禾谷植物其种子产出一些带有苦味的面粉,在东方大量生产。

    East Indian cereal grass whose seed yield a somewhat bitter flour , a staple in the Orient .

  7. 与印度同时代植物群相比,元谋植物群不具有典型的热带雨林分子如龙脑香科植物,而在印度晚第三纪则常见热带雨林分子。

    Compared with contemporaneous flora of India , the Yuanmou flora does not have the typical tropical rain forest elements like Dipterocarpaceae , which is very common in the Tertiary floras in India .

  8. 印度的根茎草本植物,芳香的种子用作调料。

    Rhizomatous herb of India having aromatic seeds used as seasoning .

  9. 在印度旁遮普邦,农民植物水稻幼苗,赶在预计在六月底的夏季气旋雨之前。

    In the Indian state of Punjab , farmers plant rice seedlings ahead of the summer monsoon rains , which are expected at the end of June .

  10. 午餐过后,那四对情侣到了所谓王家方城,在那里看了那株新从印度运来的植物(我一时忘了它的名称,它曾经轰动一时,把巴黎的人全吸引到了圣克鲁)。

    After breakfast the four couples went to what was then called the king 's square to see a newly arrived plant from india , whose name escapes our memory at this moment , and which , at that epoch , was attracting all Paris to saint-cloud .