
  1. 印巴冲突的历史根源

    On the Historical Cause of the Conflict Between India and Pakistan

  2. 你认为中方是否应该在印巴冲突中充当调解者的角色?

    Do you think China should play the role of an arbitrator in the dispute between India and Pakistan ?

  3. 有关印度和巴基斯坦的美中磋商可能会带来更为有效(尽管不正式)的调停,因为印巴冲突将变成一场地区性灾难。

    US-China consultations regarding India and Pakistan can perhaps lead to more effective even if informal mediation , for a conflict between the two would be a regional calamity .

  4. 从伊拉克核查危机、科索沃战争、菲律宾人质危机、印巴冲突到台海危机、地区冲突和其他紧张局势连绵不断;

    From the Iraqi crisis of nuclear weapon inspection , war of kosovo , philippine 's hostage crisis , Indian-Pakistani conflict to the Taiwan Straits crisis , regional conflict and other tense situations incessantly ;

  5. 在半个多世纪中,克什米尔问题始终困扰着印巴关系,是印巴军事冲突不断的症结,也是南亚地区动荡的重要因素。

    Kashmir has haunted over Indo-Pak relations for decades and been seen as the very source of constant conflicts between the two South Asian neighbors .