
  • 网络Print media;Printed media;press
  1. 我已经确信印刷媒体比电视更准确、更可靠。

    I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television .

  2. 零售商亚马逊(amazon),改变了印刷媒体的销售方式,正如计算机公司苹果改变了视听媒体的销售方式一样。

    Amazon , a retailer , transformed the distribution of print media : just as apple , a computer company , has transformed the distribution of audio-visual media .

  3. 我们发现电视和广播引发的投诉比印刷媒体要少多了。

    We found that television and radio gave rise to far fewer complaints than did the printed media .

  4. 甚至像《新科学家》和《Macworld》这样的杂志也是用这些短URL来印刷媒体链接的。

    Even magazines like New Scientist and Macworld are using them for printed media links .

  5. 从印刷媒体到广电媒体再到网络媒体,都在iPad上找到了全新的起点,纷纷上线自己的iPad应用客户端。

    From the print media , radio and television media and networking media , to find a new starting point on the iPad , have on-line iPad application .

  6. 印刷媒体恶化竞技体育发展不均的局面。

    Print media deteriorate the development uneven situation of competitive sports .

  7. 此外,该公司还帮助支付印刷媒体和在线广告费用。

    It also helps pay for their print and online advertising .

  8. 相同的样式被应用到印刷媒体上。

    The same pattern has applied to the print media .

  9. 报纸或杂志形式的印刷媒体。

    Printed matter in the form of newspapers or magazines .

  10. 音乐和印刷媒体都是被数字化从根本上改变的行业。

    Music and print media are among the industries most fundamentally changed by digitisation .

  11. 尽管印刷媒体困难,周刊还是很好。

    Despite the difficult climate for print media , Us Weekly has held up well .

  12. 从媒体文化的讨论反观印刷媒体的未来

    A Review on the Future of Printing Medium through the Discussion about the Medium Culture

  13. 他主要负责该公司各种印刷媒体的市场调查。

    His main duty is to conduct market researches for the various publications of the company .

  14. 电视和印刷媒体也仍可能被用以在各国强化国际营销活动。

    Television and print are still likely to be used as international campaigns are reinforced nationally .

  15. 开放大学利用印刷媒体和广播技术,使得这种最显著的远程教育形式得以实现。

    Open universities use print media and broadcasting technology to accomplish this notable form of distance education .

  16. 另一方面,竞技体育为印刷媒体开阔了发展方向。

    On the other hand , competitive sports also show the direction for the development of print media .

  17. 希望以上建议能够促进我国印刷媒体,竞技体育事业共同健康发展。

    Hope that the above proposals able to facilitate the competitive sports and print media to develop healthily .

  18. 印刷媒体作为大众传媒重要的一支,在中国现在社会中,发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    Print media as an important branch of mass media , play an important role in modern China .

  19. 但与此同时,印刷媒体的逐利性也给竞技体育蒙上了阴影。

    Meantime , the commercialization of the print media has also cast a shadow over the competitive sports .

  20. 在印刷媒体中,超人依旧拥有非凡的力量,比在电影和电视上更加强大。

    In print , even more than in movies and on TV , Superman continues to be a juggernaut .

  21. 报纸网络版广告作为一种新兴的广告类型,正以传统印刷媒体无法比拟的巨大优势而突现。

    As a new kind of advertisement , advertising on newspaper network has great priority over the traditional media by printing .

  22. 在印刷媒体广告收入连续三年下跌,特别是去年更加严重,出版商的抱怨也随着升级。

    The acrimony has escalated as a three-year decline in the print medium 's ad revenue accelerated during the past year .

  23. 现代教学媒体主要指的是视听媒体,即印刷媒体、录音媒体、幻灯媒体、投影媒体、录像媒体、计算机媒体。

    Modern media of teaching mainly refers to the video media-the media of printing , slide , projection , video and computer .

  24. 在美国的新闻界,印刷媒体的种类众繁多,可能超过其他任何国家。

    The press in the United States produces a wide variety of printed media , possible more than in any other country .

  25. 由于广告商从印刷媒体稳步转向利润往往较低的在线出版物,黄页出版业收入正在下滑。

    The sector is experiencing revenue downgrades due to a steady migration of advertisers from print to online , where margins are often lower .

  26. 现在的公司可以通过印刷媒体、电视、网络或者手机与他们的消费者保持沟通。

    Companies can now be in constant communication with their consumers , whether in print , on TV , online or via mobile phones .

  27. 李在商业上的成功始于当时位于休斯顿的中国居民小社区的一家印刷媒体及一份报纸。

    Lee 's business success started with a printing press and a newspaper for what what was then a small Chinese community in Houston .

  28. 国家广播、电视、印刷媒体和因特网都报道了新闻故事,强调定期进行皮肤检查的重要性。

    News stories that stressed the importance of regular skin examinations were run in national radio , television , print media and the Internet .

  29. 网络广告有利于增强品牌意识,当网络广告与传统媒体如电视或印刷媒体相结合时,能产生最大的效益。

    Internet advertising can assist in raising awareness of brands , it is most successful when combined with traditional advertising such as TV or print .

  30. 因此,想要以作家为职业的人应该接受为电视而不是为印刷媒体写作的训练和经验。

    Therefore , people who wish to have careers as writers should acquire training and experience in writing for television rather than for print media .