
  • 网络King of India
  1. 在托勒密二世统治时,印度国王阿育王派遣了两名僧侣来到亚历山大市,但他们并没给这座喜好享乐的城市带来多大的影响。

    In Ptolemy ii 's time , two Buddhist missionaries arrived , sent by King Asoka of india , but they appear to have made little impact upon the pleasure-loving city .

  2. 从前,印度有一位国王,他养了许多大象。

    Long ago , a king of India raised a lot of elephants .

  3. 在英国统治印度时期,英国国王的代表是驻在当地的总督。

    When Britain ruled India , the British King was represented there by a viceroy .