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  • press marked pottery
  1. 从岭南几何印纹陶看中华文化的多元发生

    Polybasic Occurence of the Chinese Stamped Geometric Pottery Culture in the South of Five Ridges

  2. 几何印纹陶纹饰的起源问题,一直是学术界关注、研究和讨论的问题;

    The question of the origin of the geometrically stamped pottery is the one observed , studied and discussed by the academic circles .

  3. 商周印纹硬陶与原始瓷器研究

    A Study of Hard Pottery with Impressed Patterns and Proto-porcelain in the Shang-Zhou Period

  4. 西周以后,由于印纹硬陶和原始瓷器的兴起,白陶器逐渐消失。

    After the Western Zhou Dy-nasty , white pottery was in decline due to the emergence of hard pottery with prin-ted pcrttems and primitive china .