
yìn xìn
  • official seal;seal of power
印信 [yìn xìn]
  • [seal of power;official seal] 政府机关的各种印章、公私印章的总称

印信[yìn xìn]
  1. 阿盖印信美国进行全程由Lakehurst到Lakehurst需要$3.55美元的邮费,相当于2007年的约43美元的基础上,如果消费物价指数。

    A US franked letter carried on the whole trip from Lakehurst to Lakehurst required $ 3.55 USD in postage , the equivalent in2007 of roughly $ 43 if based on the CPI .

  2. 这协定经他签名并加盖印信发出。

    The agreement was delivered under his hand and seal .

  3. 他出示一张盖有印信的合约。

    He produced a written contract under seal .

  4. 上面盖了王家印信。

    It bore the royal seal .

  5. 劳勃国王的印信…未经拆封.“在此任命艾德史塔克大人为…全境守护者…

    King Robert 's seal-unbroken . " Lord Eddard Stark is herein named Protector of the Realm ,

  6. 在大多数世界卫生组织会员国中,已随后采取立法保护本组织的会徽、印信和名称。

    In most Member States of WHO , legislation has subsequently been introduced to protect the emblem , seal and name of the Organization .