- 网络indian monsoon

IOD seems to impact the BOB only through oceanic way ( by the coastal Kelvin wave and the Indian monsoon current ), but its influence is only limited to the bay mouth . 3 .
The teleconnection relationship between Indian monsoon and East Asian summer circulation
Despite their limitations , climate models do capture various aspects of the real world 's climate : seasons , trade winds , monsoons and the like .
They are closely related with the Indian Monsoon Systems .
Analysis of 6 Yunnan Severe rainfalls affected by Indian monsoon in june , 2002
The India monsoon low deepened eruptively later , and its intensity was weaker .
Comments onan apparent relationship between Himalayan snow cover and summer monsoon rainfall over India
Comparison of Climate Characteristics Between Two Summer Monsoon Troughs over the South China Sea and India
Indian summer discrepancy and relation in the lower tropospheric circulations between the East Asian and Indian monsoons
For the formation of IMS , the impact of Africa is greater than that of Indian subcontinent ;
The relationship between Indian monsoon systems in summer and the continuous heavy-rain over upper reaches of the Changjiang
Indochina Peninsula not only has key effects on the formation of EAMS , but influences IMS to some extent ;
It is found that there is abrupt change in main circulation systems of Asia during the onset of the monsoon .
The annual mean negative net cloud radiative forcing in the eastern China is obviously larger than that in the Indian region .
In 1979 , the water vapor transport field over monsoon Asia underwent significant changes with the onset of the Indian summer monsoon .
A diagnostic study is made to investigate the relationship between water vapor transport from Indian monsoon and that over East Asia in Northern summer .
The run-up to the Indian monsoon season is always characterised by weeks of strong sunshine and increasing heat but life-threatening temperature levels topping 50C are unusual .
Stalagmite record revealed that Indian summer monsoon moved forward rapidly , and climate undulation on a century scale resulted in the change of the solar radiation .
Further dynamic analysis reveals the dynamic mechanism for the late occurrence of ASM precipitation in Indian monsoon area and the abrupt occurrence of Indian summer monsoon onset .
South Asian monsoon , one of the most typical environmental driving force , plays an important role in climate of southern part of China , especially Yunnan province .
The environmental variations in Lixian County are close to Indian monsoon records in intensity changes , but its similarity to the Greenland Ice Core and deepsea oxygen isotope records is slightly lower .
Following arguments have been pointed : Mei-yu phenomenon is occurrence in the transition region between the Indian Summer Monsoon System and the trade wind ( or Hadley ) system over the tropical North Pacific ;
In the paper , It had been pointed out that the main difference between Indian and East Asian summer monsoon is the circulation of mid high latitude had great influence on East Asian Summer monsoon .
The beginning dates , the physical mechanisms of monsoon onset and the relation between wind and temperature or humidity during the onset process in India monsoon region are different from those in South-China sea monsoon region ;
It is most likely that East Asian and Indian monsoon , as two main components of Asian monsoon , are synchronous , at least , on the timing scale of glacial / interglacial or stadial / interstadial .
Characteristic features of temporal and spatial variations of the flow fields at 850 hPa level over the areas dominated by the East Asian and Indian monsoons during the summer months from May to October , 1984 are analysed by means of synoptic-statistical method .
Further analysis shows that associated with evolving annual cycle , the meridional migration features of westerly moisture transport in areas to the east and west of Indochina Peninsular are quite different , which may also denote different forming mechanisms between the Indian monsoon and East Asian-Western Pacific monsoon .
Interdecadal Variability of Indian Ocean Monsoon Circulation and Its Relation to Atmosphere Circulation
The precipitation , wind and circulation between Guizhou and India are compared and analyzed .
A numerical simulation of diabatic heating effect on transition of Indian southwest monsoon from break to activeness