
wū shuǐ chǔ lǐ
  • sewage disposal ;sewerage
  1. 小镇已经安装了合理的污水处理系统。

    The town has already put in a proper sewerage system .

  2. 一般在污水处理厂的污泥中会富集大量的磷和氨。

    Wastewater treatment plants concentrate large quantities of phosphorus and ammonia in their sludge-handling streams .

  3. 污水处理厂现在可以收集排入污泥中的大部分微纤维,这些微纤维随后会扩散到农田里或掩埋在垃圾填埋场。

    Waste water treatment works now catch most of the fibre lost in the sludge , that 's then spread on croplands or buried in landfill .

  4. 业化环境治理企业以市场化方式引入环境污染治理领域,特别是在污水处理和城市垃圾处理领域。”

    een major investors13 in the environmental sector , but in the future market-oriented investment will rise , especially in areas such as wastewater treatment and the disposal of trash in cities . "

  5. Lawrence&McCarty模式及θc在污水处理中的应用与意义

    Application and significance of Lawrence-Mc Carty model and θ c in wastewater treatment

  6. 炼油厂污水处理装置pH值模糊控制

    PH Fuzzy Control of Sewage Disposal Equipment of Oil Refinery

  7. 现场总线与PLC相结合在污水处理系统的应用

    Application of DCS and PLC in sewage treatment system

  8. PLC在化学工厂污水处理中的应用

    Apply PLC to wastewater treatment of chemic factory

  9. PLC在污水处理工程中的应用

    Application of PLC in Sewage treatment

  10. 将模糊PID控制与普通PID控制相结合,提出了一种基于模糊PID控制的污水处理过程DO控制方法。

    Combining fuzzy-PID control with normal PID control , this article presents a sewage disposal method .

  11. 油田污水处理工艺中COD的去除研究进展

    Research progress in COD removal in the process of oilfield wastewater treatment

  12. 制药厂污水处理中DCS控制系统的应用

    The Application of DCS Control System in Sewage Treatment at Pharmaceutical Factory

  13. 香格里拉县污水处理示范项目的SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis of polluted water treatment model project of Shangri-La county

  14. 射流曝气SBR在小城镇污水处理中的应用研究

    Application of SBR with Jet Aeration on Treatment of Small-scale Town Sewage

  15. 污水处理BOT项目风险分析及对策

    The analysis and policy of the project of wastewater treatment by BOT

  16. 采用呼吸计量法及常规化学分析法对污水处理厂的废水特性进行了测定,通过研究发现,污水处理厂的曝气沉砂池出水中SS占总COD的比例平均为10.49%;

    Respirometric analysis and general chemical analysis methods were adopted to analyse wastewater characterization .

  17. SNP悬浮型生物填料在生活污水处理中的应用

    The Application of SNP Suspended Biological Stuffing Substance in Domestic Sewage Disposal

  18. SBR法在天津港污水处理中心化学污水处理工程中的应用

    Application of SBR Method in the Chemical Sewage Treatment Project of the Tianjin Port Sewage Treatment Center

  19. MBR(Membranebioreactor)工艺是将生物处理与膜分离技术相结合而成的一种高效污水处理新工艺。

    MBR ( Membrane Bioreactor ) is a high-efficiency new sewage treatment technology which combines the biological treatment with the membrane separation technique .

  20. PFS混凝剂在通钢焦化污水处理中的应用

    PFS Coagulation Agent Application in the Processing of Wastewater of Tisco Coke Plant

  21. PVC-U管材的特性及其在污水处理中的应用

    Characteristics of PVC-U pipe and its application in wastewater treatment

  22. 目前污水处理厂广泛使用序批式活性污泥法(SBR法)。

    The methods of Sequencing Batch Reactor ( SBR ) is used more and more widely because of its so many advantages .

  23. 主要介绍了淄博市污水处理公司AB工艺运行中遇到的问题:进水COD偏高,SS较低,pH波动较大,从而造成出水水质较差。

    The common problems of AB process in Zibo WWTP , such as high COD , low SS , and pH fluctuant are presented in this paper .

  24. 我们采用基于CAN总线结构的污水处理DCS(集散控制系统)模型构建一体化氧化沟的整个控制系统。

    We construct the whole control system for the integrated oxidation ditch by using the model of sewage treatment DSC , which is based on CAN bus .

  25. 为实现城市生活污水处理的在线控制,提出了基于RBF人工神经网络的软测量方法。

    In order to achieve on-line control of municipal wastewater treatment , the soft measuring method based on RBF artificial neural network is introduced in this paper .

  26. 传统的污水处理厂以去除BOD5、SS为目标,除磷能力较差。

    In conventional wastewater treatment plant , the purpose is mainly the removal of BOD_5 and SS , with poor capacity in phosphorus removal .

  27. ZY-1多功能污水处理剂的合成与性能评价

    Preparation and Performance of the ZY-1 Multifunctional Sewage Disposal Agent

  28. 处理后的三泥,液相返回调节池,固相送到焚烧炉焚烧,焚烧后气体以CO2的形式排至大气,将污泥降解为无机物,彻底解决了污水处理的二次污染问题。

    After burning the off gas is purged as CO 2 to the open atmosphere . And the sludge is decomposed to inorganic substance . The secondary pollution problem of sewage disposal was solved thoroughly .

  29. 采用中试规模(36m3/d)的缺氧-好氧膜生物反应器(A/OMBR)对城市污水处理回用进行了试验研究。

    A pilot-scale ( 36 m ~ 3 / d ) anoxic / oxic membrane bioreactor ( A / O MBR ) was used for treating municipal wastewater .

  30. 在污水处理中,通过单一工艺或组合工艺,曝气生物滤池具有去除SS、COD、BOD5、硝化、反硝化的作用。

    Slime process , the aerated biofilter is efficient in spatial filtration to remove SS , COD and BOD5 and for nitrification and denitrification through a single or combined process .