
  • 网络the climate group
  1. 北京气候组织项目总监喻捷表示:在非政府组织中工作,你不仅仅会获得重视和尊重,还能更近距离地接触社会问题。

    Working in NGOs will not only get you recognition and respect , but also bring you closer to social problems , said Yu Jie , a project manager at Climate Group in Beijing .

  2. 世界气候组织和他的188个成员国家正在努力建立一个极端气候预警平台。

    The WMO and its 188 member states are working to set up an early warning system for extreme weather events .

  3. 气候组织结构已彻底讨论有关的定义,内容,理论,测量和分析的主题。

    The construct of organisational climate has been the subject of thorough discussion concerning de ? nition , content , theory , measurement and analysis .

  4. 气候组织大中国区总裁吴昌华也表示:“减少空气污染物和控制气候变化二者是双赢的关系。”美国和中国已经将控制二氧化碳排放作为减少空气污染政策的一部分。

    The US and China are two countries that have incorporated carbon dioxide control as part of their strategy for reducing air pollution , said Wu .

  5. 她是公共和商业服务联盟的退休成员,在气候团结组织的支持下,她成立了1100个行动小组中的一个小组,它是一个针对工会成员的为期两年的环境保护运动。

    A retired member of the Public and Commercial Services Union , she is setting up one of 1 100 action groups with the support of Climate Solidarity , a two-year environmental campaign aimed at trade unionists .

  6. 气候互动组织(ClimateInteractive)计划于周一发布旗下研究人员撰写的这份分析报告,而《纽约时报》提前获得了全文。美国谈判代表和很多其他国家的政府在使用该组织的预测数据。

    An analysis by researchers at Climate Interactive , a group whose calculations are used by American negotiators and by numerous other governments , is expected to be released Monday and was provided in advance to The New York Times .

  7. 气候行动组织提供了综合的信息资源,可以帮助人们迅速找到实用科学的资料。

    This organization of Climate Action Now was created to provide comprehensive resources to help people quickly find scientifically sound , understandable information that is useful .

  8. 其次,通过相关分析发现,组织信任与组织公平、组织气候、组织政治知觉、组织变革、变革型领导等组织管理方面因素都存在非常显著的相关。

    It was found that there was very significant correlation between organizational trust and many organization management factors , such as organizational justice , organizational climate , perceptions of organizational politics , organizational transformation , and transformational leadership .

  9. “这份报告所做的最重要的工作是在国家层面上汇编了数据,”全球气候行动运动组织的执行主任KellyRigg说。

    " The most important thing that this report does is compile the data on a national level ," said Kelly Rigg , executive director of the Global Campaign for Climate Action .

  10. 亚洲城市气候变迁韧性组织正在修复类似于红树林的重要的生态系统。

    The Asian Cities Climate Resilience Network is restoring vital ecosystems like forest mangroves .

  11. 21.了解当地致力于防备气候变化的组织。

    21 . Find out about local groups that are committed to combating climate change .

  12. 组织气候是西方组织研究领域的一个热点问题,而行政组织气候是行政组织研究中一个重要的方法。

    Organization Climate is a hot issue in the western organizations field , while administrational organizational climate is a significant in administrational organizational research .

  13. 气候变化国际组织的科学家表示,有95%的可能性是人为的原因,但有人说,这仍然有质疑的空间。

    An international group of climate change scientists says it 's 95 percent sure humans are to blame , but some say , there 's still room for doubt .

  14. “印度青年气候网络”等组织的成员富有奉献精神,有胆识,并具有社会营销的专门知识。

    Groups such as the IYCN have members who are committed , bold , knowledgeable and expert at social marketing .

  15. 调查委员会表示,没有发现可能影响政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)结论的证据。IPCC是全球领先气候科学家的组织。

    The committee said there was no evidence that might undermine the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , the body of the world 's leading climate scientists .