
  1. 湖泊沉积物有机质δ~(13)C所揭示的环境气候信息

    Informations of climate and environment deduced from the organic matter δ ~ ( 13 ) c of lacustrine sediments

  2. 通过Internet网络,提供天气气候信息、灾害警报与监测评判、蔬菜基础信息3大类别10个方面内容的服务。

    Three sorts of service via internet , namely the meteorological information , disaster alarm and inspection judgement , and the basic vegetable information were provided by using this platform in internet .

  3. 通过遥感判读获取植被覆盖信息是研究植被分布的一种新方法.通过Internet网络,提供天气气候信息、灾害警报与监测评判、蔬菜基础信息3大类别10个方面内容的服务。

    It 's a new way to get vegetable information by interpretation ( Remote Sensing ) . Three sorts of service via internet , namely the meteorological information , disaster alarm and inspection judgement , and the basic vegetable information were provided by using this platform in internet .

  4. 历史文献中气候信息的评价

    The evaluation on climatic information in the historical literatures

  5. 黄土沉积物作为重要的古气候信息记录载体,在重建古气候古环境演变过程中发挥了巨本的作用。

    Loess played a significant role in the progress of rebuilding the paleoclimate .

  6. 遥感与气候信息开放研究实验室

    Laboratory for Remote Sensing and Climate Information Sciences

  7. 山西省气候信息平台降水场数据库设计及图形处理技术

    Database Design and Graphics Processing Technology of Precipitation Field on Shanxi Geographical Information Platform

  8. 他说,他们正设法研究如何能更好地交流天气和气候信息。

    He says they are trying to see how they can better communicate weather and climate information .

  9. 东海内陆架沉积气候信息的端元分析模型反演

    The inversion of climate information from the sediment of inner shelf of East China Sea using end-member model

  10. 中国北方黄土高原地区堆积了晚新近纪以来厚达上百米的风成红粘土-黄土序列,是古环境、古气候信息的良好载体。

    Aeolian red clay and loess deposited in northern China since late Neogene is an ideal palaeoclimate recorder .

  11. 一个软体动物贝壳的收藏者和研究人员。史前考古遗址中一种重要的古气候信息载体:软体动物贝壳

    The Mollusc Shells : An Important Message Carrier for the Study of Ancient Climate in the Prehistorical Relics of Archaeology

  12. 气象馆将向世人展示如何利用天气和气候信息,使城市让生活更美好。

    The pavilion Meteoland illustrates how making use of weather and climate information brings about better life in better cities .

  13. 因其发育的特殊地理位置和特殊堆积过程,记录了天文气候信息。

    The loess records the particular astronomical climate information due to the special geographic position and accumulation process of its development .

  14. 降水场数据库和图形处理是山西省气候信息平台的重要组成部分,在开发过程中也具有一定的难度。

    Geographical information platform database design and graphics processing technology is an important part of precipitation field on Shanxi geographical information platform .

  15. 简述了江西修水网纹红土的岩性特征和形成时代,重点讨论了网纹红土中的植硅石及其古气候信息。

    The paper briefly introduces the lithologic features , and accumulation age of the vermicular red earth and mainly elaborate phytolith in it and its paleoclimatic indication .

  16. 好奇号的工作就是将大气与气候信息,和地质学家与地质化学家的发现整合起来,构建一个大跨度、可以自圆其说的理论,描述一个非常湿润的早期火星。

    What Curiosity has done is to bring together atmospheric and climate information with the findings of the geologists and geochemists , and created a broad and consistent story of a very wet early Mars .

  17. 黄土地层的古气候信息强度与分辨率成反比,是全球信号和区域信号的叠加。黄土高原各地厚度或沉积速率的差别主要是1.7Ma以来形成的。

    Evident difference in thickness or depositional rate of loess appeared mainly since about 1.7 Ma B. P. The intensity of paleoclimatic information from the loess strata is inversely proportional to the resolution of paleoclimate over the plateau .

  18. 对树木年轮氢同位素反映的气候信息提取及其在全球气候变化的应用和成果作了综合评述,分析了该领域目前存在的问题并对其前景作了展望。

    A review on the distilling climatic and environmental information from tree ring hydrogen isotope and thein application and achievements to global climatic change is conducted , and the existent problems and prospects in this field are also investigated .

  19. 艾琳舍:许多在太平洋岛屿的管辖区正在运用气候信息有关于与圣婴现象相联系的降雨年变化数据来为水资源的管理做计划,或者考虑有关农业与家畜的问题。

    Eileen Shea : Many jurisdictions in the Pacific islands are already using climate information , information about year-to-year variability in rainfall associated with El Nino to plan for water resource management . Or to think about agriculture and livestock issues .

  20. 第一,对明代长江中下游地区的文献资料中的气候信息进行搜集和整理,并对其特点、分辨率、运用等进行详细分析,为整个文章的论述提供一个坚实的基础。

    First , collect the climate information from the documents in the Lower Reaches of the Changjiang River , and analysis the characteristics , the resolution , and the use of the climate information , in order to provide a solid basis for the discussion .

  21. 提出了浇筑碾压质量实时监控与施工气候信息实时监控技术,实现了对碾压混凝土坝仓面施工过程质量的精细化、全天候实时监控和对仓面施工信息的动态高效集成管理与分析。

    The roller compaction quality real-time monitoring technique and the construction climatic information real-time monitoring technique are presented . Meticulous , all-weather and real-time monitoring for construction quality of working unit is implemented . Dynamic and efficient integration management and analysis to information of construction is realized .

  22. 基于GIS的陕西省农业气候区划信息服务系统

    A GIS-based information serving system for agro-climate Zonation in Shaanxi province

  23. 福建省气候WEB信息系统是以提供详细气候信息为目的的计算机信息系统。

    The FuJian Climate Web Information System is a computer information system for public for provide quick query to the climate information .

  24. 模式气候吸引子信息约束下的动力协调初始化方法及其在ENSO预测中的应用

    A dynamically harmonic initialization method constrained by model climate attractor information of model and its Utilization in ENSO prediction

  25. 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)最近成为第一家详尽发布其搁浅资产(即如果调控收紧,该公司就不能开采的资产储量)气候风险信息的石油和天然气生产商。

    Exxon Mobil recently became the first oil and gas producer to publish details of its climate risk exposure from stranded assets ( reserves that it could not exploit if regulation is tightened ) .

  26. 福建省农业气候资源信息系统研究

    Study of Agricultural Climate Resources Information System in Fujian Province

  27. 青海湖沉积物有机碳及其同位素的气候环境信息

    Environmental records from organic carbon and its isotope of Qinghai Lake Sediment

  28. 土壤碳酸盐中碳稳定同位素是记录古气候变化信息的重要载体。

    Carbon isotope in soil carbonates is an important paleoclimate data carrier .

  29. 新一代气候资料信息服务系统框架的探讨

    General Frame Approach for New Generation Information Service System of Climate Data

  30. 全球气候变化信息系统中二进制数据存储的解决方案

    Solution of Binary Data Storage in GCC Information System