
qì mén
  • valve;spiracle;valve of a tyre;air door;stigma;air valve of a tyre
气门 [qì mén]
  • (1) [stigma]∶昆虫或其他节肢动物的气管系的外呼吸孔,蜘蛛纲动物肺囊的通气孔

  • (2) [valve of a tyre]∶轮胎的充气活门

气门[qì mén]
  1. 空调暖气控制或混气门引动器线束电路。多气缸顺序动作电气控制回路的简便设计方法

    The wire harness circuits for the heater-A / C control or the blend air door actuator . Easy design method for electric circuitry of sequential operating with several cylinders

  2. 使用测漏仪检查气门座圈焊接是否完好,是否有裂痕。

    Checking every air door base by using leak tester .

  3. B系列发动机气门失效情况及质量改进

    Failure Stimulation and Quality Improvement of Air Valve B Series Engine

  4. PLC及触摸屏在气门负压检测设备中的应用

    Application of PLC and Touch-screen in Negative Pressure Detecting Machine of Valve

  5. CrMoCuP激冷合金铸铁气门挺杆的热处理

    Heat Treatment of the Valve Tappet of Cr-Mo-Cu-P Chilled Alloy Casi Iron

  6. 基于Web的气门产品CAPP系统开发

    Development of Web-based Air Valve CAPP System

  7. 内燃机气门推杆专用电阻焊机计算机网络中的Push技术

    Special resistance welding machine for push rod welding of diesel engine valve push technology in the network

  8. 介绍一种十二缸V型四冲程柴油机气门调整的简易方法。

    A simple method about the valve adjusting of 12 cylinders diesel is introduced in this paper .

  9. 汽车发动机气门制造的PDM系统开发与应用

    Development and application of PDM system about manufacture of motor engine value

  10. PLC控制双轴伺服进给系统,精确自动控制缸盖进给和气门升程。

    Double shaft servo feed system by PLC to control accurately and automatically feed of cylinder head and valve lift .

  11. 对一个有直动式液压间隙调节器(HLA)的气门机构进行了试验和动力学计算分析。

    Experiment and dynamic analysis of a valve train with hydraulic lash adjuster ( HLA ) were reported .

  12. TiAl合金汽车气门

    TiAl Alloy Automotive Engine Valves

  13. 本研究采用近净尺寸冷等静压成型、无压烧结Si3N4工艺成功地制备出了6105柴油机田Si3N4陶瓷气门,对陶瓷气门材料及制备工艺进行了详细讨论。

    The silicon nitride ceramic valves for 6105 diesel engine were fabricated by near net size-cold isostatic pressing and pressureless sintering .

  14. 发动机电磁气门驱动系统(EVA)是机械、电磁耦合的复杂系统。

    The electromagnetic valve actuator ( EVA ) coupling of the mechanical , electrical and magnetic subsystems is a substitute of conventional valvetrain .

  15. BMC材料气门罩壳的振动分析

    Vibration Analysis of BMC Valve Rocker Cover

  16. 结合可变气门电磁驱动控制的具体实现过程,对SoPC环境下的IP核复用,基于Nios软硬件协同的技术进行了具体讨论。

    The Nios based hardware / software codesign and IP reuse under SoPC are concerned through an implementation of Electromagnetic Valve Actuation .

  17. 在电磁气门驱动(EVA)研究中,设计制作了EVA动态特性试验装置和测试系统,对所研制的EVA进行了初始化试验和往复运动试验。

    To evaluate the prototype of electromagnetic valve actuation ( EVA ), a dynamic test system was developed and tests of initialization and reciprocation were conducted .

  18. 提出了一种利用简单口诀,对直列、V型及奇数多缸发动机,两次调校即可完成其所有气门调校的方法。

    Adjustment of valves clearance for the in-line , V-type and number multi-cylinder engines is able to be completed only by rotating an engine twice and summed up in a pithy formula .

  19. 计算结果表明压铸BMC气门室罩在主要频率区间比用铸铝气门室罩声辐射功率低,有降噪作用。

    Calculation indicates that the noise from engine valve cover at main frequency range is reduced when using BMC .

  20. 本文研究了CrMoCuP激冷合金铸铁气门挺杆热处理时淬火加热温度和保温时间对激冷白口层石墨数量、硬度和耐磨性的影响。

    The influence of quenching temperature and holding time on graphite content , hardness and wear resistance of the chilled end of a valve tappet made of an alloy cast iron has been investigated .

  21. 利用CFD软件对载重车用4气门6缸直喷水冷柴油机进气系统进行三维气体流动数值模拟计算,模拟结果给出了气道及气缸内三维流场的分布。

    The three-dimensional flow field in a 6-cylinder 4-valve DI diesel engine intake system was numerically simulated using CFD software , and the 3D flow field was obtained .

  22. 在目前的各项技术措施中,可变气门技术是改善传统SI汽油机燃油经济性,提高动力性和降低排放的最为有效的技术措施之一。

    Among numerous advanced technologies , Variable Valve Actuation ( VVA ) is considered as one of the most efficient way to improve gasoline engines ' fuel consumption , increase power output and reduce emissions .

  23. 根据双弹簧、双电磁铁的电磁气门驱动(ElectromagneticValveActuation,EVA)原理,设计制作了用于探索性试验研究的EVA装置及其电磁铁静吸力特性试验系统,测量了电磁铁的静吸力特性。

    Based on the operating principles of electromagnetic valve actuation ( EVA ) with two springs , two electromagnets , a prototype EVA and a test system for static electromagnetic force are developed .

  24. 在对发动机气门漏气声学特性及其振动诊断机理研究的基础上,利用测取的振动信号进行时间序列分析,提出了一种利用时间序列和BP网络诊断发动机气门漏气故障的新方法。

    Based on study of acoustic characteristic and vibration mechanics of engine valve leakage , The vibration signals are analyzed using time series . A new method on diagnosis of engine valve leakage using time series and BP neural networks .

  25. 通过在配气机构中安装LVDT位置传感器的方法直接测量得到气门的位置信号,再对采集数据进行处理获得气门的运动规律。

    The movement rules of valve is obtained through data processing of the signals of LVDT fixed on the valve train .

  26. 170F柴油机气门的断裂失效分析

    Fracture Analyses of 170F Diesel Exhaust Valve Lifter

  27. 为了获得气门机构的实测运动规律以验证计算结果和估算HLA高压腔混气量,对该机构的气门加速度和HLA高度变化量进行了动态测试。

    On a test rig , the valve accelerator and the shortening of HLA were measured to examine the two dynamic models of valve train and to estimate the air content in the HLA high-pressure chamber .

  28. 针对中型载货车控制箱防尘罩成型工艺和中型载货车发动机气门室罩盖以塑代钢的成型工艺及产品刚性预测应用CAE软件进行了分析。

    The moulding processes of dust boot of control box and valve chamber cover substitute plastic for steel in engine in medium duty truck and their product rigidity forecast are analyzed by using CAE software .

  29. 在小气隙下EVA系统可控性较差,且非常不稳定,采用传统的闭环方法控制电磁气门驱动不具有可行性。

    Under the condition of very small gaps , the EVA system is extremely difficult to be stabilized and the control authority is low , therefore the conventional closed-loop control method is hard to be used .

  30. 增加气门负重叠期,HCCI燃烧的运行范围向低工况扩展,但是中高负荷受到限制。

    The operating range of HCCI combustion would extend to lower load but more limit at medium and high load when increasing negative valve overlap duration .