
  • 网络FCV;fcev;fuel cell vehicle
  1. 同时根据燃料电池汽车的特点阐述了对其碰撞试验方法的思考。

    In addition , based on the features of FCV , some thoughts on its crash test method are expounded .

  2. 论文从技术约束、成本约束、资源约束、基础设施约束和市场约束等方面分析了燃料电池汽车的商业化难点,并力图通过分析这些难点找到有利于其成长的发展策略。

    At last , the barriers that should be clear away before FCV commercialization are analyzed in detail in the thesis according to the constraints come from technique , cost , resources , market and basic infrastructure .

  3. 这款氢燃料电池汽车是在B级紧凑型轿车平台上制造的。

    The F-Cell is built on the company 's B-Class compact car platform .

  4. 用于燃料电池汽车重整器的CO脱除技术

    Methods of CO clean - up for the reformer of fuel cell vehicles

  5. 介绍了在燃料电池汽车整体布置开发中使用UG软件进行的虚拟装配。

    Application of virtual assembly based on UG in FCV ( Fuel Cell Vehicle ) general configuration is introduced .

  6. 它是世界上第一款可驾驶的燃料电池汽车。在Autonomy和Hy-Wire之后,现在我们又带来最新一代的氢燃料电池车Sequel。

    Hy-Wire is the world 's first drivable fuel cell , and we have followed up that now with Sequel .

  7. 1月24日,宝马(BMW)与丰田(Toyota)宣布,至2020年,两家公司将联合生产一款氢燃料电池汽车。

    On January 24 , BMW and Toyota ( TM ) announced that they would collaborate to release a hydrogen fuel cell-powered car by 2020 .

  8. 本田(Honda)昨日发布了汽车业第一部面向零售客户的氢动力燃料电池汽车,定于2008年中交付使用。

    Honda yesterday unveiled the auto industry 's first hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle destined for retail customers , who are due to receive the cars in mid-2008 .

  9. 燃料电池汽车(FCEV)的现状及开发动向

    Trends and development of fuel cell powered electric vehicles

  10. 阐述了燃料电池汽车的结构及质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)是燃料电池汽车动力源的首选;

    This paper analyzes the structure of the fuel cell vehicle elaborates that proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) is the first choice of the vehicle power supply ;

  11. 伦茨表示,丰田汽车正在与加州大学尔湾分校(UniversityofCaliforniaatIrvine)合作,确定氢气站的最佳位置,以及加州满足约10000辆燃料电池汽车需要多少个氢气站。

    Lentz said that Toyota has been working with University of California at Irvine to determine the optimal location of stations and how many stations the state actually needs to satisfy about 10,000 fuel cell vehicles .

  12. 2008年,本田成为第一家将燃料电池汽车推向市场的汽车制造商,在加州向驾车者推出了FCXClarity燃料电池汽车的租赁服务。

    Honda became the first carmaker to put a fuel-cell car in the market in 2008 , when it started leasing its FCX Clarity to drivers in California .

  13. 而最近,戴姆勒(Daimler)、福特(Ford)和日产汽车(Nissan)也于1月28日共同宣布结盟,四家公司将在2017年之前推出一款氢燃料电池汽车。

    More recently , Daimler , Ford ( f ) , and Nissan one-upped the pair , announcing on January 28 that , together , they would bring a hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicle to market by 2017 .

  14. 50强榜单中的日本企业包括丰田、发那科和Line.丰田以氢气燃料电池汽车Mirai而出名。

    The Japanese companies listed on top 50 included Toyota , Fanuc and Japan 's Line . Toyota was noted for the hydrogen-fueled Mirai .

  15. 2015年,本田将开始销售用于民航业的首款飞机——HA-420本田喷气机,以及一款全新的氢燃料电池汽车FCV。

    It will be a year when the automaker begins selling its first airplane , the HA-420 Hondajet for general aviation , as well as a new hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle , the FCV .

  16. 周四,丰田邀请全球媒体赴汉堡见证其在欧洲推出燃料电池汽车Mirai的活动。以2014年销量计,丰田是全球最大的汽车制造商。

    The Japanese carmaker - the world 's biggest by 2014 sales - on Thursday invited the world 's media to Hamburg for the European launch of its Mirai fuel-cell powered vehicle .

  17. Mirai等氢燃料电池汽车被一些人视为对纯电动汽车的改进,因为氢动力汽车的续航里程和补充燃料所费时间可与汽油车和柴油车媲美。

    Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles such as the Mirai are seen by some as an improvement on pure electric cars , as they offer range and refuelling time that is competitive with petrol and diesel models .

  18. 燃料电池汽车(FCEV)是一种以燃料电池为主要动力系统的新能源汽车,燃料电池以氢为载体,通过氢氧化学反应产生氢气代替传统的能源,是一种新型能源动力系统。

    Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle ( FCEV ) is new energy vehicle which use fuel cell as its main power system . Fuel cell is a new type of energy power system that produces energy through the chemic reactor between hydrogen and oxygen .

  19. 文章分析了美国汽车仿真软件PSAT的系统功能,PSAT可以仿真传统汽车、电动汽车、燃料电池汽车和混合动力汽车的性能,并且具有与车辆实验台进行实时数据通讯的功能。

    This paper analyzes the system function of an A-merican auto simulation software PSAT . This software can simulate conventional vehicle , electric vehicle , fuel cell vehicle and the hybrid - powered vehicle , it can also communicate with the vehicle test bed in real time .

  20. 燃料电池汽车智能仪表开发

    Development of Intelligent Meter for FCV Milling Machine with Artificial Intelligence

  21. 浅谈我国燃料电池汽车加氢站的建设

    Discuss Construction of Adding Hydrogen Station on Chinese Fuel Cell Auto

  22. 燃料电池汽车开发及产业化的关键技术研究

    Key technologies for development and industrialization of fuel cell electric vehicles

  23. 燃料电池汽车异步电机控制方法的研究

    Study on Control Methods of Induction Motor for Fuel Cell Vehicle

  24. 清洁能源汽车的开发动向&燃料电池汽车

    The Developing Trend of Clean Resource Car & Fuel Cell Vehicle

  25. 但燃料电池汽车动力更强劲,充电后使用的时间更长。

    But fuel cells deliver a more powerful , longer-lasting charge .

  26. 燃料电池汽车的关键部件是燃料电池。

    Fuel cell is the key component of fuel cell vehicle .

  27. 燃料电池汽车动力系统网络通信节点的设计

    Study on Communication Node Design for Fuel Cell Vehicle Power System

  28. 基于模型的故障诊断法在燃料电池汽车中的应用

    Simulation of Model - based Fault Diagnosis for Fuel Cell Vehicle

  29. 燃料电池汽车发展的研究与分析

    Research and Analysis on the Development of Fuel Cell Vehicle

  30. 国内外燃料电池汽车促进政策和激励措施研究

    Study of Global Promoting Policies and Incentive Measures for FCV