
  • 网络Fuel demand;fuel requirement
  1. 请将最新燃料需求的资料提供给我。

    Please bring me up to date on the fuel requirement .

  2. 这还是在国际能源机构(IEA)上调中国今年燃料需求预测背景下的局面;上调的依据是中国第一季度经济增长比预期强劲。

    That is despite the International Energy Agency 's higher expectations for Chinese fuel demand this year , after stronger than expected economic growth in the first quarter .

  3. 当然,关于非洲国家的生物燃料需求信息是不充分的。

    Certainly , information on biofuel demand in African countries is inadequate .

  4. 全球性的对生物燃料需求的增加更多地消耗谷物产量并使价格进一步提高。

    Growing global demand for biofuels is also eating up grain production , and boosting prices .

  5. 供暖燃料需求旺盛但供应不足,造成这种情况的部分原因是不同寻常的低气温。

    The heating fuel is in high demand and low supply partly because of unusually low temperatures .

  6. 该机构指出,控制矿物燃料需求的最廉价且最快捷的方法是采取措施,提高能源效率。

    It says the cheapest and fastest way to do that is by becoming more energy efficient .

  7. 我们还需要开发出精确的方法,用于估计和预测国内和全球市场的生物燃料需求。

    We still need to develop accurate ways to estimate and project biofuel demand in domestic and global markets .

  8. 与此同时,日本贸易会预计,受燃料需求增加推动,进口将增长14.1%。

    Imports , meanwhile , will rise 14.1 % , driven by higher fuel needs , the council estimates .

  9. 对生物燃料需求的不断增长和因此提高的农业商品价格为发展中国家带来了重要机遇。

    Growing demand for biofuels and the resulting higher agricultural commodity prices offer important opportunities for some developing countries .

  10. 经济学家说,跌价是由于市场担心经济放缓将导致燃料需求减少。

    Economists say the price drop is linked to fears that a slower economy will lower demand for fuel .

  11. 同时,国家对环保要求日趋严格,对清洁燃料需求量不断增加,也给炼油催化剂工业发展提出了新的挑战。

    Meanwhile , the deepening strict of national environmental requirements and the increasing demand of clean fuel also brings new challenges to the development of refinery industry .

  12. 国际能源机构警告说,如果发展中国家特别是发展速度较快的发展中国家不控制其矿物燃料需求,到2003年,上述情况可能会成为现实。

    That scenario could become reality by2030 if developing countries , particularly fast-growing ones , don 't curb their fossil-fuel needs , warns the International Energy Agency .

  13. 交易商们表示,美国的石油进口短期内可能反弹,原因是油价崩盘至每桶65美元提振了燃料需求。

    US imports might rebound in the short term , traders say , with fuel demand boosted by the collapse of oil prices to $ 65 a barrel .

  14. 全球逾五分之四炼油厂建设项目面临下马,世界燃料需求的崩溃,意味着除了具有强劲政府支撑的项目外,其它项目都难以为继。

    More than four out of five refinery construction projects face cancellation as the worldwide collapse in fuel demand wipes out all but those developments with strong government backing .

  15. 如此惊人的燃料需求也是为什么飞船在再入大气层时都用热防护罩而不是反推火箭来减速——一头栽入大气层是最可行的减速方式。

    These outrageous fuel requirements are whyevery spacecraft entering an atmosphere has braked using a heat shield insteadof rockets-slamming into the air is the most practical way to slow down .

  16. 他表示,到2010年,全球生物燃料需求可能从2005年的每年100亿加仑增至每年250亿加仑,折合为年率每年增长20%。

    He said global biofuel demand could increase from 10bn gallons a year in 2005 to 25bn gallons annually by 2010 , an annualised growth rate of 20 per cent .

  17. 服务业现占中国经济的一半左右,建筑、钢铁和煤炭等高耗能产业则增长乏力,导致柴油等运输用燃料需求减少。

    Services account for about half of the Chinese economy now , while sputtering growth in energy-intensive sectors like construction , steel and coal hurt demand for transport fuels such as diesel .

  18. 其中约3亿美元将用于支付给帮助利比亚满足其民用燃料需求的实体,其余资金将留作支付未来的民用燃料之所需。

    About $ 300 million of the funds will reimburse entities that have been helping Libya meet its civilian fuel needs , and the remaining money will be held to pay future civilian fuel bills .

  19. 欧盟委员会的研究报告指出,粮食价格暴涨的主要原因是能源成本升高、生物燃料需求增加、谷类作物收成增长减缓、以及生产和出口粮食的主要国家歉收。

    Among other factors , the report blamed high energy costs , increasing demand for biofuels , slowing growth in cereal yields and poor harvests in key countries producing and exporting cereals for the price increases .

  20. 目前丙烯主要来自以石脑油、轻柴油和轻烃为原料的蒸汽裂解过程,由于车用燃料需求的限制,其产量难以得到大幅度提高。

    Nowadays , most of the propylene is obtained from steam pyrolysis processes with gasoline 、 light diesel and light hydrocarbons used as feed , thus , the increasing vehicle fuel demands limits the production of propylene .

  21. 另一方面,欲让用作粮食的作物产量保持稳定,就需要开辟大量新田来满足燃料需求,否则食品价格将上涨15~40%这将造成可怕的后果。

    Alternatively , if food-crop production were to remain stable , a huge amount of extra land would be needed for the fuels , or food prices would rise by anything from 15-40 % , which would have dreadful consequences .

  22. A公司作为一个全流程的大型钢铁联合企业,为了保证稳定的原燃料需求,在实践中和供应商开展了原燃料补偿贸易形式的合作。

    A Co. takes an entire flow the large-scale integrated iron and steel works , to guarantee that the stable crude fuel demand , has carried out the crude fuel compensation trade form cooperation in the practice and the supplier .

  23. 昨日公布的中国上个月汽车销售数量,上涨了34%。这成为经济复苏故事的一部分,一些投资者把这些数据解释为中期燃料需求增长的信号。

    News yesterday that vehicle sales in China rose by 34 per cent last month fed into the recovery narrative , with some investors interpreting the data as a signal that fuel demand would increase over the medium - term .

  24. 展望2005年,中国石油需求增长的旺盛势头可能因经济增长放缓而有所减弱,但运输燃料需求的增长仍将强劲,预计对进口石油的依赖将进一步加重。

    Looking forward to 2005 , the strong momentum of China 's demand for oil may slow down due to slower economic growth , while the demand for transportation fuel will remain strong . Further reliance on oil import is expected .

  25. 该方案可解决我国电力和液体燃料需求这两个关键能源问题,并同时减少常规污染物和温室气体的排放,从而保证能源安全和实现经济可持续发展。

    This scheme could be the solution for two key energy problems : demands of electricity and liquid fuels , and it could also reduce conventional pollutants and greenhouse gases , therefore , it can ensure energy security and economy sustainable development .

  26. 分析师表示,在目前汽油、柴油以及航空燃料需求疲弱的背景下,石化工厂削减产量可能引发石油消费的进一步下降,从而导致能源价格进一步下跌。

    The cuts during petrochemical plants ' troughs are likely to trigger a further drop in oil consumption on top of current weakness in gasoline , diesel and jet fuel demand , resulting in a further drop in energy prices , analysts said .

  27. 粮食类大宗商品价格的飙升,是由许多因素造成的,其中包括中国需求的不断上升和恶劣的气候等,但生物燃料需求上升的潜在后果,已引起了世界粮食界相关人士的关注。

    Food commodity prices are surging because of a number of factors including rising demand from China and bad weather , but the potential consequences of the rising demand for biofuels has caught the attention of those in the business of feeding the world .

  28. 第一,面对价格上涨的刺激,供给方面的反应可能会比前几次更为滞后,因为当前世界能源市场的变化,以及由此产生的相关生物燃料需求,可能会持续相当长一段时间。

    First , the lag in supply response to the stimulus provided by higher prices may prove to be of greater duration than its predecessors , to the extent that the current changes in world energy markets and hence the associated demand for biofuels are likely to be lasting ones .

  29. 由于发动机燃料需求量增长、更为严格的环保要求和质量控制以及重质原油开采量的增加,发展重油加工,增加轻质石油产品,已成为世界炼油工业的重大问题。

    Due to the growing demands of transportation fuels , more stringent enviromental and product quality constraints and the increased exploitation of the heavy crudes , the development of the residual oil processing technologies for increasing the light products becomes an important subject that faces the world petroleum refining industry .

  30. 塔塔(Tata)推出的售价2500美元的新车,可能会推高对传统燃料的需求。在这款新车推出之际,亚洲高速的经济增长正使得人们对汽车的兴趣与日俱增。

    Tata 's new $ 2,500 car , introduced amid a growing appetite for vehicles driven by steep economic growth in Asia is likely to bolster conventional fuel demand .