
  • 网络carbon neutral;Carbon-neutral;Carbon neutrality
  1. 可以通过植树对航空飞行进行碳中和,以抵消温室气体的排放。

    You can make your flights carbon neutral by planting trees to make up for the greenhouse gas emissions .

  2. 他们要在2020年计画成为碳中和。

    They 've pledged to become carbon neutral by2020 .

  3. 碳中和(carbon-neutral)技术渗透市场至少需要几十年的时间。

    It will take decades at least before carbon-neutral technologies saturate the market .

  4. 英国对中国在2060年前实现碳中和的承诺表示欢迎。

    Britain has welcomed China 's commitment to becoming carbon neutral before 2060 .

  5. 因此,中国2060年的碳中和承诺是在一个关键时刻提出的。

    So China 's 2060 carbon neutrality pledge came at a critical moment .

  6. 简报:美国馆对碳中和的承诺

    Fact sheet : usa Pavilion carbon neutral commitment

  7. 存在这样一个障碍的情况下,几乎不可能实现碳中和。

    So it 's almost impossible to become carbon neutral with a roadblock like that .

  8. 科学家所成立的跨国组织共同研发洁净的能源,以吸收大气中的二氧化碳,达到碳中和。

    Multinational group of scientists collaborate on clean energy that surpasses carbon neutrality by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere .

  9. 中国宣布,将力争在2030年达到二氧化碳排放峰值,2060年实现碳中和。

    China has announced that it will peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 .

  10. 我很高兴地宣布,在世博会整个展出期间,美国馆将实现碳中和。

    And I am proud to announce that the Pavilion will be carbon neutral for the entire duration of the Expo .

  11. 随后在2010年,南非莱利银行成为首家达到碳中和或称净温室气体零排放的非洲银行。

    Then in2010 , Nedbank became the first African bank to reach carbon neutrality , or zero net greenhouse gas emissions .

  12. 他重申了中国到2060年实现碳中和的目标,并表示这表明了中国对《巴黎协定》的承诺。

    He reiterated China 's goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 and says it demonstrates China 's commitment to the Paris Agreement .

  13. 另一家支持碳中和的银行汇丰认为补偿市场太过浑浊,因而绕过经纪人,计划自己的项目。

    HSBC , another carbon-neutral bank , finds the market for offsets so murky that it bypasses all brokers and devises its own projects .

  14. 中国的目标是在2030年前使二氧化碳排放量达到峰值在2060年前实现碳中和,以应对气候变化。

    China is aiming to bring carbon dioxide emissions to a peak before 2030 and become carbon neutral before 2060 to tackle climate change .

  15. 他表示,中方在研究本世纪中叶应对气候变化长期愿景,包括二氧化碳达峰和碳中和问题。

    He says efforts have been made to study the long-term vision of coping with climate change this century , including capping and reducing carbon emissions .

  16. 论述了络合萃取-铁碳还原-中和沉淀-厌氧水解-接触氧化-过滤工艺处理氯硝柳胺生产废水的工艺流程、工艺参数和处理效果。

    A composite process composed of complex extraction , Fe / C reduction , neutralizing sedimentation , anaerobic hydrolysis , contact oxidation and filtration was adopted to treat niclosamide wastewater . The process scheme , operation parameters and performance are presented in this paper .

  17. 这意味着超过我们必须停止100亿公吨的碳排放或被中和。

    It means more than 10 billion metric tons of carbon emissions must be stopped or be neutralized .

  18. 他还表示,碳排放峰值和碳中和应纳入改善环境的总体布局。

    He also says the peaking of carbon emissions and carbon neutrality should the overall layout of improving the environment .

  19. 主席表示,这条道路既不会超出资源、能源、环境的极限,又有利于实现碳达峰、碳中和目标。

    The president says efforts should peaking carbon dioxide emissions and achieving carbon neutrality without straining resources , energy and environmental capacity .

  20. 一个例子就是,一家上海的汽车保险公司上月在北京环境交易所(beijingenvironmentalexchange)自愿购买了碳减排指标,以实现碳中和。

    One example was a deal under which a Shanghai-based car insurer purchased carbon credits on the Beijing Environmental Exchange last month in a voluntary deal to become carbon neutral .

  21. 剩余污泥转能源化不仅有利于碳减排,甚至还可以逼近碳中和目标。

    The conversion of excess sludge to energy is not only conducive to the reduction of carbon dioxide emission , but also can even approach the " carbon neutral " target .

  22. 总理在2021年“绿色增长伙伴关系”和“2030年全球目标”首尔峰会上通过视频连线发表讲话,重申中国承诺在2030年达到碳排放峰值,在2060年实现碳中和。

    Addressing the 2021 Partnering for Green Growth and the Global Goals 2030 Seoul Summit via video link , the premier reiterated China 's pledges to peak its carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 .

  23. 许多银行已经通过减少碳排放,在应对气候变化方面做出了贡献,向着碳中和的目标迈进。

    Many have also made a contribution to tackling climate change by reducing their carbon footprints and moving towards carbon neutrality .

  24. 最后,该公司将购买足够的“碳抵消”以使公司(至少在理论上)实现碳中和,直到实现自己的目标。

    And finally it is buying enough carbon offsets to make the company carbon neutral at least on paper until it can meet its overall goal .