
tàn suān yǐn liào
  • soda;carbonated drink;carbonated beverages;Carbonated
  1. 每天一杯碳酸饮料也可以等同于相当体重的增加。

    A single soda per day can equate to sizable weight gain , too .

  2. 我们都赞成碳酸饮料不利于健康、甘蓝则对身体有好处。

    We can all pretty much agree that soda is unhealthy and kale is healthy .

  3. 在大多数情况下,“糖税”用来减少含糖量较高的碳酸饮料、非碳酸饮料、和运动能量型饮料的生产、进口及购买。

    A soda of reduced overall sugar consumption . In most forms the tax is designed to discourage the production , importation and purchase of carbonated , uncarbonated , sports and energy drinks , with excess levels of added sugar .

  4. 非碳酸饮料无菌PET瓶包装

    A complete PET bottling line Aseptic packaging for non-carbonated beverages

  5. 反相HPLC测定碳酸饮料中常用的添加剂

    Determination of Additives Commonly Used in Carbonic Drinks by RP-HPLC

  6. 小型非碳酸饮料瓶用PP料的研究

    Research of polypropylene for small-sized non-carbonate soft-drink bottles

  7. 自1973年被专利注册于碳酸饮料瓶子应用以来,PET瓶开始流行。

    Since the1973 registered patent to make bottles for carbonated drinks using PET , PET starts to become popular .

  8. 应用HPLC同时测定果味型碳酸饮料中防腐剂、甜味剂和合成着色剂的研究

    The Study by Applying HPLC to Test Simultaneously the Preservatives , Sweeteners and Artifical Colorants in Fruit Flavour Carbonate Beverage

  9. 玻璃瓶装碳酸饮料HACCP体系的建立

    Establishing HACCP for carbonated drinks in glass bottles

  10. 它将推出的各种饮料不仅有碳酸饮料,还有Fuze(一种健康果汁饮料&译注)和诚实茶(HonestTea)这种广受认可的果汁和茶饮。

    Its portfolio includes not only sodas , but also names in tea and juice like fuze and honest tea that have wide recognition .

  11. 这股潮流已经席卷整个“垃圾食品”业(BigFood),受影响最明显的可能是碳酸饮料行业。在美国,碳酸饮料销量已连续十年下降,反应出消费者对糖和人造甜味剂印象转差。

    This trend has cut across Big Food in general - perhaps most noticeably in the fizzy drinks industry , where a decade-long fall in US sales reflects a consumer backlash against sugar and artificial sweeteners .

  12. 男生碳酸饮料、茶饮料、功能性饮料的饮用高频率高于女生,差异显著(P0.01)。

    Boys have higher frequency having carbonated drinks , tea drinks , and functional drinks . The difference is statistically significant ( P0.01 ) .

  13. 据统计,PET瓶在全球饮料包装市场的比例已占到37%,在碳酸饮料瓶包装中的比例更是高达58%,成为食品包装的主要材料之一。

    According to statistics , PET accounted for37 % in the proportion of the global beverage packaging market , and in bottles of carbonated drinks is as high as58 % .

  14. 可口可乐(coca-cola)正全力进军中国果汁市场,因为全球碳酸饮料的“气泡”正在消失。

    Coca-Cola is pushing hard into juices in China because the fizz is going out of the global carbonated sector .

  15. 它适用于制造以PET、PP、PVC、PE等为原料的任何形状的碳酸饮料瓶、矿泉水瓶、农药瓶、化装品瓶等。

    It is suitable for PET , PP , PVC , PE bottle with any shapes for CSD ( Carbonic Soft Drink ), Mineral Water , Pesticide , Cosmetic , etc.

  16. 碳酸饮料换成白开水,慢慢咀嚼,服用preandpro生物产品,这样就可以有效改善您的大肠菌群,从而减少腹内胀气。

    Swap fizzy drinks for still drinks , chew slowly and take pre and pro biotic supplements , which will increase your good gut bacteria and lessen the bloating .

  17. 碳酸饮料,用可乐树的坚果提取物调味(dope在美国是南方主义的说法)。

    Carbonated drink flavored with extract from Kola nuts ( ` dope ' is a southernism in the United States ) .

  18. 如果能再提供爆米花和碳酸饮料更不用说Gucci品牌的巧克力了那就更好了。

    If you can add popcorn and fizzy drinks – not to mention branded Gucci chocolate – so much the better .

  19. 欧睿咨询(euromonitorinternational)的分析师米歇尔黄表示,去年,中国市场的果汁销售量首次超过了碳酸饮料。

    Last year , sales volume of fruit juices in China surpassed that of carbonated drinks for the first time , according to Michelle Huang , an analyst at Euromonitor International .

  20. 比如,在一些地区,美国人称碳酸饮料为苏打水,另一个地方称之为汽水pop。

    For example , in some areas , Americans call a drink a soda ; in others they call it pop . Some cook with a frying pan ; others call it a skillet .

  21. 这就相当于一天50g或十个方糖很容易就达到一杯碳酸饮料的含糖量了。

    That equates to around 50g or 10 cubes a day - easily reached with a bottle of fizzy drink .

  22. 可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)第四季度的碳酸饮料销售取得了近10年来的最快增速,原因是新兴市场的消费量大幅增长,抵消了北美销量下降的影响。

    Coca-Cola enjoyed its fastest growth in carbonated soft drinks for nearly a decade in the fourth quarter , as increased consumption in emerging markets offset decline in North America .

  23. 北美地区之所以独特,一是因为其成熟度(碳酸饮料销售停止增长),二是因为可口可乐的软饮料、果汁和矿泉水业务与装瓶商coca-colaenterprises(cce)是独立经营的。

    The region is unique both because of its maturity ( fizzy drink sales are not growing ) , and because Coke developed its soft drink , juice and fountain businesses separately from bottler Coca-Cola Enterprises .

  24. 塑料的诞生带动了整个轻工业的迅速发展,其中PET塑料被广泛应用于液体和碳酸饮料的包装领域中,每年都会产生大量的废旧PET塑料瓶。

    The birth of plastics led to rapid development of the light industry as a whole , and the PET plastics are widely used in the packaging of liquid and carbonated drinks , resulting in a lot of wasted polyethylene terephthalate plastic bottles annually .

  25. 结合碳酸饮料生产过程控制经验进行各步骤危害分析,制订监控措施,使HACCP理论在玻璃瓶装碳酸饮料生产至储运过程得到应用。

    Hazard analysis was undertaken on each process and monitoring measures implemented based on the production practice and experience to put the theory of HACCP into effect for carbonated drinks in glass bottles from production to warehousing .

  26. 这家公司曾经怀有成为新时代的华特迪士尼公司(WaltDisney)的抱负,建造愤怒的小鸟游乐场和主题公园,售卖愤怒的小鸟钓鱼竿、碳酸饮料,同时制作游戏和漫画。

    The company once had an ambition to become a new-age Walt Disney , building Angry Birds playgrounds and theme parks , selling Angry Birds fishing rods and sodas as well as making games and cartoons .

  27. 可口可乐(Coca-Cola)有大约60%的收入来自碳酸饮料,不过随着可乐销量在美国的暴跌,这种情况并不会持续很长时间。

    Roughly 60 % of Coca-Cola 's ( KO , Fortune 500 ) U.S. revenue comes from soda , but that may not be the case for very long as sales continue to plunge in America .

  28. 但纽约市饮料协会(nycbeverageassociation)发言人斯特凡弗里德曼(stefanfriedman)却表示:“纽约市靠攻击碳酸饮料解决不了肥胖问题,因为碳酸饮料并不提高肥胖率。”

    However , Stefan Friedman , spokesman for the New York City Beverage Association , said : " the city is not going to address the obesity issue by attacking soda because soda is not driving the obesity rates . "

  29. 此举是可口可乐全球战略中的一部分,试图将其饮料品种组合扩展至碳酸饮料(可口可乐的传统优势)之外。该战略还包括3年前对俄罗斯第二大果汁制造商Multon的收购。

    The move is part of Coca-Cola 's global drive to expand its portfolio of beverages beyond fizzy drinks , Coke 's traditional strength , a strategy that has included buying Russia 's second largest juice maker , Multon , three years ago .

  30. 黑米色素在碳酸饮料中的稳定性研究

    Study on the Stability of Black Rice Pigment in Carbonated Beverage