
  • 网络forest resources of China
  1. 本项研究是《中国森林资源核算及纳入绿色GDP研究》项目中的沙漠化损失核算研究专题。

    The current study is a special topic of a general project " Green GDP Accounting of Forest Resources of China " .

  2. 提出了以中国森林资源清查体系,特别是二类资源清查系统为基础,构建中国森林资源核算与绿色GDP系统的设想。

    This paper brings forward conceiving and establishing China forest resource estimate and green GDP system , which based on China forest resource inventory system , especially the forest management inventory .

  3. 中国森林资源管理政策的演变及启示

    Evolvement and Revelation on Policy of Forest Resources Management in China

  4. 劳动力市场发育、产权改革与中国森林资源退化

    Labor Market Development , Land Tenure Reform and Deforestation in China

  5. 中国森林资源经营管理机制的研究

    Study on the Mechanism of the Administration in China 's Forest Management

  6. 中国森林资源可持续发展问题的探讨

    An exploration on the sustainable development problem of forest resource of China

  7. 中国森林资源预测模型的结构与模拟

    Structure and Simulating of the National Forest Resources Prediction Model

  8. 中国森林资源投入产出及纳入市场运作体系的研究

    Study on input and output and Marketing Mechanism of Chinese Forest Resources

  9. 中国森林资源物权法律制度研究

    Study on the Property Right of Chinese Forest Resources

  10. 中国森林资源认证理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Forest Resource Certification in China

  11. 中国森林资源的过去、现在与未来发展趋势

    Past , present and future development tendency of the forest resources in China

  12. 中国森林资源未来发展趋势及可持续发展综合评价研究

    Studies on Trend and Comprehensive Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Forest Resources in China

  13. 试论中国森林资源现状与持续发展初探

    An exploratory study on status quo of forest resources in China and their sustainable development

  14. 过去50年中国森林资源和降水变化的统计分析

    Statistical analysis about the changes of forest resource and precipitation in China over the past 50 years

  15. 中国森林资源与生态状况综合监测体系建设的战略思考

    Strategic Ideas for the Construction of A Comprehensive Monitoring System of Forest Resources and Ecological Conditions in China

  16. 跨世纪中国森林资源的主要灾害问题与对策分析

    The main problems of forest resource disasters and the countermeasures to be taken in China over the 20th century

  17. 竹林是中国森林资源的重要组成部分,竹林碳汇必将成为我国应对气候变化的重要领域。

    Bamboo is an important part of Chinese forest resource and would play a special role in dealing with global change .

  18. 同时,通过分析中国森林资源现状,总结了入世对不同林产品的影响程度。

    Meanwhile , with the analysis of the current conditions of Chinese forestry , the paper summarized what effects WTO has upon various forest products .

  19. 摘要在扼要介绍和分析中国森林资源的状况、演变和存在问题的基础上,着重探讨了中国林业可持续发展的战略和为实现林业可持续发展所必需研究解决的关键科学问题。

    The strategy of sustainable development of forestry in China and the key scientific problems for approaching sustainable development were discussed in this paper with a brief introduction and analysis of the dynamic conditions and problems of forest resources in china .

  20. 中国森林公园资源执法问题研究

    Research on the Law-Enforcement by Administration of Forest Park in China

  21. 中国森林公园资源保护和旅游开发

    Resources Conservation and Development of China 's Forest Parks

  22. 中国现行森林资源采伐管理体系及其改革策略

    The System of Current Forest Cutting Management in China and the Strategy for Its Reform

  23. 黑龙江省是中国北部森林资源丰富的省份。

    Heilongjiang province , located in the northern China , is the richest forest resource provinces in our country .

  24. 森林资源监督管理是具有中国特色森林资源管理体制的重要组成部分。

    The supervision management of forest resources is an important part of the forest resources management system with Chinese characteristics .

  25. 作为中国的森林资源大省,山东省的森林覆盖率达23%,拥有丰富的物种,多样的生态系统。

    Shandong is a big province of forest resources in China with 23 percent of land covered with forests , which have rich species and diversiform ecosystems .

  26. 目前中国森林公园资源保护的法治水平得到较大提高,但从森林公园资源执法的状况来看,还存在诸多的阻碍森林公园建设与管理法治化进程的问题。

    Nowadays , the level of law-enforcement by administration on forest park resources protection has been improved greatly . But there are some problems which hinder the legal development in the construction and management of forest park .

  27. 中国森林公园风景资源质量等级评定

    China forest park landscape resources grade evaluation

  28. 竹林是中国的重要森林资源,发展竹产品是中国农村经济的增长点。

    Bamboo is one of the most important forest resources in China . The development of bamboo products is a growth factor of rural economy .

  29. 中国是一个森林资源比较贫乏的国家。

    China is a country short of forest reserves .

  30. 中国森林铁路&森林资源的枯竭导致从事采伐和运输工作的人失去工作。

    China 's Forestry Railways & the exhaustion of woodland resources leads to losses of jobs for those who engage in logging and transportation .