
  1. 支持可能会针对那些由国有企业中国船舶工业集团公司(chinastateshipbuildingcorporation)运营的船厂。

    Support is likely to be aimed at the yards operated by the state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corporation .

  2. 他补充称,嘉年华可能还将与中国船舶工业集团公司(ChinaStateShipbuildingCorporation)和中国招商局集团(ChinaMerchantsGroup)共同创办一家合资企业,来打造中国本土邮轮品牌。

    He adds that Carnival may also launch a joint venture with the China State Shipbuilding Corporation and China Merchants Group to build a domestic Chinese cruise brand .

  3. 国有的中国船舶工业集团公司(ChinaStateShipbuildingCorporation)本周交付了第一艘中国设计并建造的超大型集装箱船。迄今为止,这类船舶只在韩国、日本和丹麦生产。

    This week , state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corporation delivered the first very large container ship designed and built in China , a category until now only produced in South Korea , Japan and Denmark .

  4. 另一家主要的国有造船企业&中国船舶工业集团公司(CSSC)正考虑在香港上市。

    The other major state-owned shipbuilder , China State Shipbuilding Corporation ( CSSC ), is considering a share sale in Hong Kong .

  5. 江南造船厂与跨世纪发展的中国船舶工业

    Jiangnan Shipyard and the Development of Chinese Shipbuilding Industry in Trans-Century

  6. 知识经济、海洋世纪和造船业的振兴&新世纪中国船舶工业发展的战略思考

    Knowledge Economy , Ocean Century and Promotion of Shipbuilding Industry

  7. 中国船舶工业将来的机遇所在。

    And the future opportunity for the Chinese shipbuilding industry .

  8. 加强国际合作发展中国船舶工业

    Strengthening International Cooperation and Developing China 's Shipbuilding Industry

  9. 中国船舶工业产业组织研究

    The Research of Industrial Organization of Chinese Shipbuilding Industry

  10. 中国船舶工业中国石油化工定点生产企业。

    China 's shipbuilding industry in China Petroleum and Chemical sentinel production enterprises .

  11. 中国船舶工业贸易公司

    China Shipbuilding Trading Corporation Ltd China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation

  12. 中国船舶工业企业国际化研究

    Research on Internationalization of Shipping Enterprises in China

  13. 加强国际交流与合作构建世界一流造船集团&中国船舶工业集团公司副总经理李柱石在高级海事论坛演讲摘要

    Strengthening International Exchange and Cooperation to Build up a World First Class Shipbuilding Group

  14. 中国船舶工业发展的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking on Development of Chinese Shipbuilding Industry

  15. 邮票里的新中国船舶工业

    New China 's Shipbuilding Industry on Stamps

  16. 知识经济与中国船舶工业的发展

    Knowledge economy and development of China shipbuilding

  17. 新世纪中国船舶工业面临发展机遇与挑战。

    In the new century , China 's shipbuilding industry faces both opportunity and challenge .

  18. 中国船舶工业本世纪末发展目标探讨

    Exploration on the Developmental Goal of China 's Shipping Industry at the End of This Century

  19. 中国船舶工业产业集群发展战略研究

    Chinese Shipbuilding Industry Cluster Development Stratify

  20. 从科技进步展望21世纪初的中国船舶工业

    An Outlook on the China Shipbuilding Industry in the 21st Century in View of Scientific and Technical Progress

  21. 企业国际化成为中国船舶工业持续发展的重要推动力。

    The internationalization of China 's shipping enterprises forms the important impetus of the industry 's sustainable development .

  22. 市场需求的旺盛以及国家的支持必将带领中国船舶工业步入新的发展阶段。

    Market demand and the strong state support will lead the Chinese shipbuilding industry entered a new stage of development .

  23. 本文分析了知识经济的内涵和对现代中国船舶工业的影响。

    The connotation of knowledge economy is analyzed in this paper , and the influence by knowledge economy is discussed .

  24. 21世纪,中国船舶工业良好的发展机遇,又面临着严峻的挑战与考验,正迎来发展历史上的又一个关键时期。

    In 21st century , Chinese ship industry is meeting a developing key period , accompanying with lots of opportunities and challenges .

  25. 全面推行现代造船模式,正是新时期中国船舶工业技术创新和管理创新的崭新使命。

    Urging the modern shipbuilding mode across-the-board is precisely the brand-new mission of technical innovation and the management innovation of Chinese shipbuilding industry in new times .

  26. 中国船舶工业集团(中船集团)一名高管称,我国首艘国产豪华邮轮将于2023年交付。

    China will deliver its first domestically manufactured luxury cruise liner in 2023 , a senior executive from China State Shipbuilding Corp ( CSSC ) said .

  27. 日本韩国是世界造船业的两大巨头,具有显著的竞争优势,在当今这个充满竞争的环境下,中国船舶工业应该理性、客观的解决发展过程中存在的问题,改变落后的制造模式。

    Japan and Korea are two Oligopoly companies in the ship industry now . Today in the competitive environment , China Shipbuilding should rational and objective solutions to development problems in the process of changing the backward manufacturing model .

  28. 简论中国近代船舶工业的历史成就

    On the Historical Achievements of Chinese Modern Shipbuilding Industry

  29. 《中国船舶报》是中国船舶工业行业唯一一份综合性大报。

    Source of Maritime News CHINA SHIP NEWS China Ship News is the sole catch-all newspaper covering China shipbuilding industry .

  30. 中国两家国有造船业巨头中国船舶重工集团公司(ChinaShipbuildingIndustryCorporation)和中国船舶工业集团公司(ChinaStateShipbuildingCorporation)也在迅速扩张,并开始从技术上迎头赶上韩国与日本竞争对手。

    China 's two state-owned shipbuilding giants , China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation and China State Shipbuilding Corporation , are expanding rapidly and beginning to catch up with their Korean and Japanese competitors in terms of technology .