
  • 网络Rear engine;rear-mounted
  1. 基于CAN总线的客车后置发动机数据采集显示系统

    Data Collection and Display System Based on CAN-bus of Rear Engine of Coach

  2. 后置发动机客车机舱空间温度场的试验研究

    An Experimental Study on the Temperature Field in Engine Compartment of a Rear Engine Bus

  3. 关于后置发动机式沥青洒布车几个重要技术参数的确定

    Determination of several important parameters in asphalt sprayer with rear-mounted engine

  4. 后置发动机汽车冷却系统的研究

    A study on Rear Mounted Engine Vehicle Cooling System

  5. 后置发动机大客车远程换挡操纵机构的研究开发

    Research and Development of Remote-gear Control of Rear-engine Bus

  6. 客车后置发动机附件设计

    Design of the Rear-mounted Engine Accessories in Buses

  7. 后置发动机客车空滤器进气口的改进设计方案

    Design Plan of Improving the Intake System for the Air Filter of the Rear-mounted-engine Bus

  8. 简要介绍在客车上后置发动机时,其附件的设计要点。

    The paper briefly introduces the main design points of the rear-mounted engine accessories on the bus .

  9. 后置发动机大客车冷却不足的改进措施与试验研究

    Improvements and Studies on the Overheat for the Rear - Mounted Diesel Engine on the Large Bus

  10. 目前国内大型客车和重型车辆通常采用后置发动机,使用机械变速操纵系统。

    The current domestic large passenger cars and heavy vehicles usually adopt rear mounted engine and manual mechanical transmission .

  11. 试验结果表明,新开发的设计及计算方法成功地解决了后置发动机车型存在的问题。

    The test result shows that the new developed design and calculation method is successful in resolving the problems in the vehicles with engine rear mounted .

  12. 此布局常见于跑车,与前置发动机汽车或后置发动机汽车相比,其优势为前桥与后桥之间重量分配最佳。

    This arrangement is most common in sports cars or roadsters and , compared to front-engined or rear-engined cars , offers the benefit of optimum weight distribution between the front and rear axles .

  13. 伸缩臂叉装车后置式发动机散热系统的设计

    Design of heat transmission system of engine in the rear of telescopic handler

  14. 客车后置式发动机的正确使用和维护

    Usage and Maintenance of Bus Rear - mounted Engines

  15. 配后置式发动机整车的少片变截面钢板弹簧卷耳早期失效原因及可靠性提高途径

    The Reason of Early Invalidation of the Spring-eye of Tapered Leaf Spring of Breech-Loading Engine Automobile and the Reliable Improvement Means

  16. 本文主要就后置客车发动机选配时的原则、动力性、经济性及振动和噪声进行阐述。

    The author introduces mainly the principle , power characteristic , fuel economy , vibration and noise in selecting the engine for developing a coach with rear-mounted engine .

  17. 通过对国内几种后置客车的试验研究,介绍了一种后置发动机车辆冷却系统的设计布置方法,并在计算中引入安装效率。

    Based on the test and research on a few kinds of domestic buses , a design and layout method of vehicle cooling system with engine rear mounted is presented , and the installation efficiency is introduced in the calculation .