
hòu tái
  • background;backstage;backstage supporter;greenroom;upstage
后台 [hòu tái]
  • (1) [backstage]∶指舞台台口后面的全部或任何一部分地方;特指戏院化妆室

  • (2) [backstage supporter]∶比喻在背后操纵、支持的人或集团

后台[hòu tái]
  1. 表演结束之后,我们获准到后台和演员见面。

    After the show , we were allowed to go backstage to meet the cast .

  2. 她们随后来到后台,对他娇语谄媚。

    They came backstage afterward , cooing and toadying to him .

  3. 他在利兹音乐会的后台见到了杰克逊。

    He met Jackson backstage at his concert in Leeds .

  4. 按照加演的传统做法,我们走到后台后又再次返场。

    We go offstage and come back for the convention of the encore .

  5. 上了妆穿着戏服的演员在后台走来走去。

    The performers , in costume and make-up , were walking up and down backstage

  6. 后台十分嘈杂。

    There was a lot of noise offstage .

  7. 葆拉还不习惯在后台换衣服时所有人都色迷迷地盯着她看。

    Paula is not used to everyone ogling at her while she undresses backstage .

  8. 他去后台跟她要了签名。

    He went backstage and asked for her autograph

  9. 他们随后来到后台,对他奉承了一番。

    They came backstage afterward and toadied to him .

  10. 可以到后台去吗?

    Is it permitted to go behind the scenes ?

  11. 所以我有幸受邀进入非营利性熊猫基地的后台去接触这些可爱的动物。这个中心占地600英亩,它的门票收入有助于支付研究费用。

    So it was a great honour to be invited backstage at the not-for-profit Panda Base , where ticket money helps pay for research , I was allowed to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre .

  12. 在社交媒体的世界里,已经不再有什么“后台”。

    In the world of social media , there is no longer a " back stage " .

  13. 开发Web后台程序的新技术&PHP技术

    A New Technology of Developing Web Background Program & PHP Technology

  14. Web应用中后台服务测试自动化的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Automated Test of Background Services in Web Application

  15. 而WEB信息服务和数据库维护则与后台数据库服务器形成B/S模式。

    The database maintenance and WEB database make up of the B / S structure mode .

  16. 网站后台数据库从ACCESS到SqlServer的转换

    Database of Website Switch from Access to SQL Server

  17. 传统的电子商务应用系统都是基于浏览器、网页(web)服务器、后台服务器这样一种三级结构。

    Traditional e-commerce applications are based of browser , web servers , back-end server such a three-tier structure .

  18. 后台是SqlServer数据库服务器。

    The backstage is a SQL Server database server .

  19. 这种体系结构是由Browser、WebServer、databaseserver组成的浏览器/Web服务器/后台数据库服务器三层模型。

    Three-layer architecture is a model made up of browser , web server and background database server .

  20. PLC在保龄球后台设备控制中的应用

    Application of PLC in Control of Bowling Background Equipment

  21. 后台数据库使用SQLSERVER管理整个系统的后台数据。

    The backstage database uses SQL SERVER to manage overall system 's backstage data .

  22. 系统的后台数据库使用选用了SqlServer来实现。

    The backstage database of the system choose the SQL Server to carry out .

  23. 本教学网站选用MicrosoftAccess2000作为后台数据库;

    This teaching web choose Microsoft Access 2000 as its background database ;

  24. Win32平台下的WindowsServices是一种强大的后台程序管理模式。

    Windows Services is a powerful background process management mode of Win32 platform .

  25. 在后台大量使用Web服务的应用程序也可以被认为是使用Web作为平台。

    Applications that make heavy use of Web services behind the scenes can also be said to use the Web as a platform .

  26. Physics系统使用Window2000Server操作系统,后台数据库使用的是SqlServer2000。

    Physics system using Window 2000 Server operating system , Database using SQL Server 2000 .

  27. 然后对于作为后台Model实体的Hibernate进行了研究,分析其如何同数据库字段绑定达到数据交互的目的。

    Then research the background Model mockup Hibernate about how it achieves interaction aim with database by field binding .

  28. 它还能提供后台JavaScript执行和其他好处。

    It also provides background JavaScript execution and other benefits .

  29. 前台开发采用了Servlet,后台开发采用SqlServer2000。

    Front development using Servlet , background development using SQL Server 2000 .

  30. 因此很多小型图书馆一般使用SqlServer或者MySQL数据库作为后台数据库。

    So many small libraries generally use the SQL Server or MySQL database as backend database .