
  • 网络daemon;Background process
  1. 本地报表处理始终在windows窗体控件中作为后台进程来执行。

    Local report processing is always performed as a background process in the Windows Forms control .

  2. 如果异常终止一个oracle后台进程,那么常常需要重启实例。

    If an Oracle background process is aborted , often a restart of the instance is required .

  3. 最激动人心的莫过于“webworker”后台进程。

    I 'm most excited about " web worker " background processes .

  4. 为了方便起见,shell会持续跟踪它生成的所有后台进程。

    For convenience , the shell keeps track of all background processes it spawns .

  5. 使用ps命令来确保Web服务器后台进程正在主节点上运行。

    Use the ps command to make sure the Web server daemons are running on the primary node .

  6. AzureQueue会向我们称之为“工人角色(workerroles)”的后台进程发送消息。

    The Azure Queue sends messages to background processes known as'worker roles ' .

  7. 关于Oracle数据库后台进程的思考

    Consideration of the Background Processes for the Oracle Database

  8. Unix提供了复杂的控制机制来管理后台进程和批量作业。

    UNIX provides sophisticated control mechanisms for background processing and batch jobs .

  9. Oracle支持在同一台计算机上存在多个实例,但不允许共享后台进程。

    Oracle supports multiple instances within the same machine but background processes are not shared .

  10. 后文将更详细地阐述DB2的内存结构和不同的后台进程。

    The section below provides a bit more detail on DB2 's memory structures and different background processes .

  11. 我们简要地描述了DB2架构、后台进程、内存模型、安全性、工具等方面。

    We briefly described the DB2 architecture , background processes , memory model , security , tools , and so on .

  12. 目录构建到twisted服务器中,而不是仅让它在后台进程中运行。

    Directory into a twisted server , rather than simply have it run in a background process .

  13. 现在,ssh-agent已经成为后台进程,可以使用命令top和ps查看。

    Ssh-agent has now become a background process which is visible using the top and ps commands .

  14. 这些worker允许您动态地加载一个JavaScript文件,然后使用一个不影响UI的后台进程执行脚本。

    These workers allow you to load a JavaScript file dynamically , and then execute a script using a background process that does not affect the UI .

  15. 接下来,我们来看看内存架构和后台进程,并且比较一下Oracle和DB2中内存架构和后台进程的不同之处。

    Next we 'll look at the memory architecture , background processes and threads , and will compare and contrast the way they are used in Oracle and DB2 .

  16. IPython具有一个令人难以置信的特性,即允许您将Python代码片段作为后台进程来运行。

    IPython has an incredible feature that lets you run snippets of Python code as background processes .

  17. 如果后台进程需要来自stdin的输入时,它会发生什么情况?

    What happens to a background process if it needs input from stdin ?

  18. 据称是Apple正在考虑允许iPhone应用作为后台进程运行。

    While we aren 't sure what the specific issues are , we 've heard that as an alternative Apple is considering allowing apps to run as user selectable background processes .

  19. TAMOS是作为一系列UNIX或Linux操作系统的后台进程、内核扩展以及控制文件实现的。

    TAMOS is implemented as a series of daemons , kernel extensions , and control files for either the UNIX or Linux operating system .

  20. monitor:将所有后台进程作为独立进程运行,并在进程结束时向stdout输出一行信息以通知用户。

    Monitor : Run all processes in the background , as a separate process , and inform the user when the process has finished by printing a line to stdout .

  21. BlueZ用户空间后台进程、实用程序以及配置文件

    BlueZ user space daemons , utilities , and configuration files

  22. 最好是在一个长期的持久的基础上运行Snort(作为系统或后台进程运行)。

    It 's much better to have your admins run Snort on a long-term , continuous basis , preferably as a system or background process .

  23. 客户端持久化存储、底层文件访问、sockets、后台进程、使用硬件加速UI的展示和互动是HTML5最吸引我的部分。

    Persistent client-side storage , low level file access , sockets , background processes , hardware-accelerated UI presentation and animation are some of the features which caught my eye .

  24. RFCOMM模块和用户模式dund后台进程实现了Bluetooth拨号网络。

    The RFCOMM module and the user mode dund daemon implement Bluetooth dialup networking .

  25. 除非被重定向到其他地方,否则来自后台进程的stdout和stderr流将被定向控制终端。

    Unless redirected elsewhere , the stdout and stderr streams from the background process are directed to the controlling terminal .

  26. 下面的列表给出了配置Bluetooth上的各种协议服务所必需的BlueZ模块、实用程序、后台进程以及配置文件。

    The list below shows the BlueZ modules , utilities , daemons , and configuration files necessary to configure various protocol services over Bluetooth .

  27. 对于Oracle上的进程失败,无需任何人工干预,就像OraclePMON后台进程会定期监视这些异常终止的进程那样。

    For a process failure on Oracle , no human intervention is required , as the Oracle PMON background process will periodically monitor for these aborted processes .

  28. Linux卡服务核心与主机控制器设备驱动程序、卡设备驱动程序及用户模式cardmgr后台进程交互。

    The Linux card services core interacts with the host controller device driver , the card device drivers , and the user mode cardmgr daemon .

  29. Xen提供了两个虚拟机间共享内存的机制,运用这一机制,运行在一个虚拟机上的Linux内核补丁记录并转移审计日志到运行在另一个虚拟机上的审计后台进程。

    The mechanism for sharing memory between virtual machines was provided by Xen . By the mechanism , SNARE patch for Linux running on one virtual machine records and transfers the audit logs into the audit daemon running on another virtual machine .

  30. distcc系统的工作方式是,每台主机上有一个后台进程,接收最终预解析格式的源文件,然后在本地进行编译,返回生成的对象文件。

    The distcc system works by using on each host a daemon that accepts source files in their final pre-parsed form , and then compiles the files locally before returning the resulting object file .