
  • music player;audio player
  1. 2007年1月9日,史蒂夫·乔布斯正式发布苹果公司的“革命性手机”——该设备将苹果音乐播放器、手机和互联网通信的功能整合到单台设备上,并通过触摸控制。

    On Jan.9,2007 , Steve Jobs formally announced Apple 's " revolutionary mobile phone " — a device that combined the functionality of an iPod , phone and Internet communication into a single unit , navigated by touch .

  2. “随身听效应”指的是由于使用便携式音乐播放器等科技产品,使人们从周围的公共环境中脱离出来。

    Walkman effect refers to the disengagement from surrounding public space caused by the use of technology , such as a portable music player .

  3. 此外苹果公司最近还停产了iPodClassic音乐播放器。

    Apple also recently killed off its iPod Classic .

  4. iPod是苹果(Apple)的音乐播放器,正是这款小型电子产品开启了现代消费类硬件的革命。

    Apple 's music player was the gadget that launched the modern consumer hardware revolution .

  5. 在把音乐播放器、手机和手表变成便携式电脑之后,苹果(Apple)目前把汽车视为终极移动设备。

    After turning music players , telephones and watches into portable computers , Apple is now eyeing the automobile as the ultimate mobile device .

  6. 基于CPLD的MIDI音乐播放器的设计

    The design of MIDI music player based on CPLD

  7. 在把音乐播放器、手机和手表变成便携式电脑之后,苹果(Apple)目前把汽车视为“终极移动设备”。

    After turning music players , telephones and watches into portable computers , Apple is now eyeing the automobile as the " ultimate mobile device . "

  8. 如今,苹果在平板电脑和音乐播放器领域享有近乎垄断的地位;iPhone的销量比其它各款智能手机的销量都要高。

    Today , Apple enjoys near-monopolies in tablet computers and music players ; its iPhone outsells all other smartphones .

  9. 当iPod音乐播放器初推出时

    When the iPod music player first came out ,

  10. 这款F1手机相当于一台录像机,一台音乐播放器,并且有记忆存储卡卡槽。

    This F1 phone also features a Video Player , Music player and a memory expansion slot .

  11. 这面镜子也是一个iPod音乐播放器的扬声器。

    This doubles also as an iPod speaker .

  12. 这包括手机、笔记本电脑、便携数字音乐播放器、车载音频系统和PDA。

    They include mobile phones , laptops , portable digital music players , car audio systems , and PDAs .

  13. 但我可不会把我的iPhone6留在家里,因为我还要拿它当相机和音乐播放器。

    But I won 't be leaving my iPhone 6 behind because it also functions as my camera and music player .

  14. 中国价格探索&以MP3音乐播放器为例

    Exploring " The China Price " & Take the Case of MP3 Music Player As an Example

  15. NET写的音乐播放器,可以添加曲目击,清空列表,播放顺序设置,上一曲、下一曲等基本功能。

    NET music player , you can add music hit , empty the list of players set up the order , on the song , under the basic functions , such as a.

  16. 在两千之一,苹果推出的iPod数字音乐播放器。

    In two thousand one , Apple released the iPod , a digital music player .

  17. 这款结合了iTunes的音乐播放器彻底改变了音乐产业。

    The music player , coupled with iTunes , revolutionized the music industry .

  18. 本文对开发SymbianOS应用程序有一定的参考价值,对开发音乐播放器或多媒体应用程序有一定的借鉴作用。

    This thesis has some reference value for development application base on Symbian OS and development multimedia application .

  19. 近年来,欧盟各国旳个人音乐播放器尤其是MP3播放器旳销量增长迅速。

    Sales of personal music players have soared in EU countries in recent years , particularly of MP3 players .

  20. 苹果发明的iPod音乐播放器在全球范围内大获成功,彻底改变了人们听音乐的习惯。

    It found worldwide success by inventing a device that transformed the way people listened to music .

  21. 2001年10月,苹果对外公布iPod,这位是所有音乐播放器的明星。

    In October , 2001 , Apple launches the iPod , the rock star of all music players .

  22. 通过在可以运行软件的ipod音乐播放器上添加itunes商店,苹果(apple)从各大唱片公司的鼻子底下偷走了一块音乐市场。

    Apple nicked the music market from under the noses of record labels by adding the iTunes Store to software running iPod music players .

  23. 此举将大大增强PSP游戏机在多用途音乐播放器市场上的竞争力。

    Such a move could place the PSP in direct competition with other multiuse music players , most notably the iPhone .

  24. iPod系列共有三款产品,如今两款已从苹果商店下架,只剩下iPodTouch一款音乐播放器。

    Two of Apple 's three remaining iPods have disappeared from the Apple Store , leaving the iPod Touch as the only standalone music device available .

  25. 它还有一个特点:带有不同的插槽,这样你就可以插入iPod音乐播放器、笔记本电脑或电子游戏机。

    It also features different input jackets so that you will be able to plug your iPod , laptop or video game console .

  26. 这款标志性的微型音乐播放器极受欢迎,以至于上述销量中一部分是由拥有两三部、有时甚至四部iPod的人士贡献。

    Some of those sales went to folks who owned two , three , and sometimes , four of the iconic little music players .

  27. 所以,诺基亚的融合设备N系列产品除了通话功能外,还包含各有特长的多种设备:比如音乐播放器、移动电视或者便携相机。

    So Nokia 's range of " converged " devices , the Nseries , consists of a variety of devices with specific strengths : as a music-player , a mobile TV or a camcorder , in addition to being a phone .

  28. 消费者也意识到,iPhone既是手机,也能够用作音乐播放器,因此就没有必要再去花钱购买Nano、Shuffle或iPodTouch了。

    Apple consumers realized that the iPhone could double as an iPod , so spending extra cash on a nano , shuffle , or iPod touch , made little sense .

  29. 另一方面,让女性头疼的则是不知道怎么关掉孩子的游戏机和使用智能手机与MP3音乐播放器。

    Women on the other hand were more likely to struggle with turning off their children 's games console and getting their smartphone or mp3 player to work .

  30. 另外,还有关于苹果计划发布尺寸介于iPad平板电脑和iPod音乐播放器之间的新设备的传言也零星出现。

    Still , rumors that Apple plans to release a new device with a screen size between an iPad and an iPod touch have cropped up on occasion .