
  • 网络Music City;The city of music
  1. 沙泽勒编导的音乐片《爱乐之城》是当晚的得奖热门,所获14项提名平了奥斯卡史上的纪录。

    Chazelle 's musical was the hot favourite going into the evening , with a record-tying 14 nominations .

  2. 据《福布斯》称,石头姐主要的收入来自达米安沙泽勒的音乐电影《爱乐之城》,该片全球票房超过4.45亿美元(约合人民币29.6亿元)。

    According to Forbes , the majority of Stone 's takings was generated from Damien Chazelle 's musical La La Land which had global box office takings of over $ 445m .