
  1. 秉承一贯传统,由索尼古典音乐录制及发行。

    Like most of her recordings , both are issued by Sony Masterworks .

  2. 音乐录制时的声场因素对民乐韵味感的影响在演奏现场录制的音乐。

    The influence of sound field on the lingering charm of traditional music when recording music ;

  3. 美国原创歌手詹姆士?泰勒已经从事了近30年的音乐录制和表演工作。

    American singer and songwriter James Taylor has been recording and performing music for more than thirty years .

  4. 数字调音台是广播、舞台控制、音乐录制、节目制作的核心设备。

    Digital mixer is the core equipment used for radio , stage controlling , and music , programming .

  5. 但是即便在那之后,还是需要有人继续为音乐录制来演奏啊,就是电影配乐唱片。

    But even after that someone still had to play the music for the sound recordings , the soundtracks .

  6. 莱斯。保罗发明了琴体坚固型吉他,以及全新的音乐录制方法。他以一人之力改变了音乐发展的进程。

    Les Paul single-handedly changed the course of music when he developed his solid body guitar , and discovered a new way to record voices and instruments .

  7. 这个趋势再次说明廉价电脑正在淡化专业工具和业余工具之间的界限,这一点在音乐录制和图形设计领域已经得到体现。

    It 's one more example along with music recording and graphic design of the way cheap computers are blurring the distinction between professional and amateur tools .

  8. 音乐被录制到机器里。

    The music is piped in by a machine .

  9. 他缺乏音乐技巧录制“美丽的罗琳”这首歌,但是他连同一封信把歌词寄了出去。

    He lacked the musical skills to record " Sweet Lorraine , " but he sent in the lyrics along with a letter .

  10. 这张上周四取得的照片,是英国皇家爱乐管弦乐团正在伦敦卡多根音乐厅录制《花季》专辑。此为第一张专为帮助植物生长的古典音乐专辑。

    A photo obtained on Thursday shows the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra recording The Flora Seasons , the first classical album specifically aimed at helping plants grow , at the Cadogan Hall in London .

  11. 《成都》是一首民谣,由音乐人赵雷录制。

    Chengdu is a folk song recorded by the musician Zhao Lei .

  12. 听到这个事实让人有一点伤心,但是请记住奥巴马就职典礼上美妙的音乐是提前录制好的。

    Well , it hurt a little bit to hear the truth , but remember that beautiful music at the inauguration .

  13. 纳普斯特的使用者每月支付一定费用,这笔钱由音乐的创作者、录制者和传播者分配。

    Napster users may pay a modest monthly fee , which will be divided up among those creating , producing , and delivering the music .