
ɡāo yīn lǎ ba
  • tweeter
高音喇叭 [gāo yīn lǎ bā]
  • [high-frequency speaker;tweeter] 指辐射高频声的扬声器

  • 高音喇叭响个不停,吵死人了

  1. 蓝色和绿色曲线分别地显示了低音喇叭和高音喇叭的频率响应。

    The blue and green curves show respectively the response of the woofer and the tweeter .

  2. 图里的黑色曲线显示了极性反向相连的高音喇叭响应。

    The black curve shows the response with the tweeter connected with opposite polarity .

  3. NPR新闻的彼得·坎宁身处塔里尔广场附近医院外使用高音喇叭与人群沟通。

    NPR Peter Kenn was near Tahrir square outside Musk serving as maid shop in hospitalism using loud speakers to communicate with crowd .

  4. 用高音喇叭磁铁作的振动器

    A transducer made from magnet systems of loudspeaker

  5. 车用低高音喇叭自动延时连接器的设计

    Design of Automatic Delay Connector of Vehicle Loudspeaker

  6. 频响曲线特性在距离音箱高音喇叭单元轴线1米的点、成15度角,电压2.83V。

    Anechoic free field response at1 meter , 15 degrees off tweeter axis , measured at2.83V .

  7. 早在十年前,泰恩和威尔地铁站就配备了高音喇叭播放古典音乐。

    Over ten years ago stations on the Tyne and Wear Metro were equipped with speakers that blasted out classical music .

  8. 朝鲜官方媒体表示,在全国各地,装有高音喇叭的车辆一边在街上行驶,一边广播着卫星发射成功的消息。

    North Korean state media said vehicles equipped with loudspeakers broadcast the news of the successful launch in streets throughout the country .

  9. 说起这第一个特点,那就是“高音喇叭”,只要你走进吵吵闹闹的教室,第一个听到的声音就是她。

    Speaking of this first characteristic , that is ," loudspeakers ", if you walked into a noisy classroom , the first she heard that .

  10. 这幅图表明,频率响应是非常平滑地贯穿整个频率范围和高音喇叭的受控离轴滚降。

    This figure shows that the power response is very smooth throughout the whole frequency range , and the controlled off-axis roll off of the tweeter .

  11. 其他抗议行动包括沿泰晤士河逆行而上,在停泊时用高音喇叭向议会喊粗话;其他人则拒绝交税。

    Other protest included sailing up the Thames and shouting abuse through loud hailers at parliament as it sat ; others refused to pay their tax .

  12. 在孟买购物中心的一家店铺里,高音喇叭里播放着印度夜总会里流行的舞曲,而顾客们则挤在一起,选购合适的商品。

    At one store in a Mumbai shopping mall , dance music popular in Indian nightclubs blasts from loudspeakers while customers jostle to reach the best goods .

  13. 我们已经多次警告他们,最初是通过联合国,后来通过高音喇叭用阿拉伯语高呼‘不要靠近边境’,然后对空鸣枪。

    And these people were warned repeatedly-first through the United Nations , and then ultimately through loud speakers in Arabic " Don 't approach the border " and shooting into the air .

  14. 实验仪器采用每秒100次的脉冲电流输至高音喇叭的音圈,纤维通过弹簧夹子与喇叭振膜的中心相耦合。

    The apparatus used consisted of a pulse generator which sends a pulse of70 μ sec duration with a repetition frequency of100 times per second to the moving coil of a loud speaker .

  15. (一)在城市市区噪声敏感建筑物集中区域内使用高音广播喇叭;

    Using a high-pitch loudspeaker in an urban area where noise - sensitive structures are concentrated ;

  16. 第四十四条禁止在商业经营活动中使用高音广播喇叭或者采用其他发出高噪声的方法招揽顾客。

    Article 44 In commercial activities high-pitch loudspeakers and other loud-noise instruments are forbidden to be used for attracting customers .

  17. 第四十五条禁止任何单位、人在城市市区噪声敏感建设物集中区域内使用高音广播喇叭。

    Article 45 All units and individuals are forbidden to use high-pitch loudspeakers in urban areas where noise-sensitive structures are concentrated .