
dī yīn yánɡ shēnɡ qì
  • Bass speaker;bass loudspeaker
  1. 如果拆下了bose超低音扬声器,则安装该超低音扬声器。

    If a Bose subwoofer is installed , install the subwoofer .

  2. 确保出口位于超低音扬声器上面。

    Make sure that the vent is routed above the subwoofer .

  3. 拔下超低音扬声器的插头之前,必须关闭收音机。

    The radio must be switched off before the subwoofer is unplugged .

  4. 超低音扬声器位于备胎坑中。

    The subwoofer is located in the spare wheel well .

  5. 如此,我然后测试了低音扬声器在一个被密封的箱子。

    So , I then tested the woofer on a sealed box .

  6. 安装超低音扬声器保持架然后拧紧紧固螺母。

    Position subwoofer holder and tighten the fastening nuts .

  7. 小矩形室内低音扬声器和传声器互易性的研究

    Reciprocity between microphone and woofer in small rectangular room

  8. 松开接头并从超低音扬声器拆下。

    Release connector and remove from subwoofer .

  9. 向上提出超低音扬声器。

    Lift subwoofer up and out .

  10. 仅适用于带超低音扬声器的车辆。

    Only for vehicles with subwoofer .

  11. 要加强副低音扬声器的低音时,请用“式联结”连接系统。

    To increase the bass sound from the subwoofer , connect the system using " hookup b " .

  12. 将超低音扬声器固定在四个固定卡子上,向前滑动并用紧固螺钉拧紧。

    Engage subwoofer at the four retaining clips , slide forwards and screw down with the fastening screw .

  13. 开始连接工作前,必须先关掉所有装置(含副低音扬声器)电源。

    Make sure power to all components ( included the subwoofer ) is turned off before starting the hook-up .

  14. 介绍适用于低音扬声器的两种不同充磁方向磁体联合应用磁路。

    This paper presents two kinds of combined NdFeB magnetic-circuits for bass speaker , which are magnetized in different orientations .

  15. 介绍了一种适用于低音扬声器的辐射取向环和轴向取向环联合应用扬声器磁路。

    A bass speaker magnetic circuit has been introduced with a hybrid application of radial and axial orientation ring Nd Fe B magnets .

  16. 在矩形小房间内,低音扬声器和传声器的位置互换后,测量得到的低音扬声器的频响曲线与互换前是一致的。

    When positions of a microphone and a woofer are exchanged in a small rectangular room , a similar frequency response curve can be obtained .

  17. 被放气的箱子是更加重要的并且我也许设法打破低音扬声器几天和再实验如果我使用被发泄的封入物。

    Vented boxes are far more critical and I might try breaking the woofer in for a few days and retest if I were using a vented enclosure .

  18. 低音扬声器登上在一个双重有房间的箱子里面;低音扬声器火从被密封的分庭入被端起的分庭,和声波从被端起的边涌现。

    The woofer is mounted inside a dual-chambered box ; the woofer fires from the sealed chamber into the ported chamber , and sound waves emerge from the ported side .

  19. 一位卖,迷你音箱,扬声器,低音炮,扬声器,音频系统。

    Sell speaker , mini speaker , loudspeaker , subwoofer , speakers , audio system .

  20. 如果调音台有一个低音饲料或低音输出,集成低音扬声器可以单独最大低音输出和控制放大。

    If the mixing desk has a bass feed or subwoofer output , the integrated subwoofer can be individually amplified for maximum bass output and control .