
  • 网络low-income people
  1. 小额信贷通常是针对那些低收入人群发放额度小、周期短的贷款的行为。

    " Microfinance " is a kind of small loans for short cycle which usually for those low-income people .

  2. 小额信贷一般凭借信用向低收入人群提供额度较小、利率较高的贷款。

    Microfinance Usually provided by virtue of credit , supply small amount , higher rates of loans to low-income people .

  3. 事实上,发展有赖于大量低收入人群收入的增长。

    In effect , growth is contingent on improved incomes for the mass of the low-income population .

  4. 新发布的规定对低收入人群有利。

    The newly issued regulations are beneficial to people with lower incomes .

  5. 低收入人群将获益最大,这正是此举的目的。

    People with low income will benefit the most , and that is the object of this exercise .

  6. 如果这一年员工在工作和社区服务上表现良好,就会受邀参加Villa有12阶段的管理培训项目,包括销售战略、与低收入人群建立联系等等。

    Employees who have put in a year of good performance and community service are invited to attend Villa 's 12-session management-training program , which covers everything from sales strategies to building connections in a low-income neighborhood .

  7. 为了促进3G手机的普及,运营商还必须为低收入人群(其中相许多是文盲)提供在商业上更有用的应用程序,例如让农民可以在网上进行转账,或者进行农作物定价和交易。

    To aid the spread of 3G , operators will also have to come up with more commercially useful applications for lower-income people , many of whom are illiterate . Examples include enabling online money transfers or crop pricing and trading for farmers .

  8. 随经济水平的提高,超重和肥胖(体质指数BMI≥25)人群增多,尤见于城市,同时农村低收入人群体重不足(BMI<18·5)增加。

    With the economic level being raised , the number of people with overweight or obesity ( BMI ≥ 25 ) increased , especially in city . But the number of people with malnutrition ( BMI < 18.5 ) increased in the low income population of rural area .

  9. 低收入人群对价格的变化更敏感。

    Low income people are sensitive to the change of price .

  10. 国家创新联合会保证,低收入人群受到法律保护

    CNRI gives low income people access to the legal system .

  11. 在英国低收入人群聚居区走一遭就会明白这点。

    A walk in any low-income area in the UK confirms this .

  12. 城市低收入人群住房保障制度研究

    Analysis on the Housing Welfare System for Low Income Citizen in Cities

  13. 收入差距的扩大是否会导致健康不平等的加剧,尤其是低收入人群的健康是否受到更为不利的影响。

    Does the rising income inequality result in health inequality .

  14. 关心低收入人群切身利益并确保其生活不受明显影响;

    Concerning the vital interests of low-income groups and to ensure their lives ;

  15. 调查表明,低收入人群不健康的饮食方式是他们自身造成的。

    The study also showed that low earners are choosing to eat unhealthily .

  16. 方法之一是,推出一个新的、面向低收入人群市场的廉价品牌。

    One way is to launch a new , down-market brand at lower prices .

  17. 所以实际上我们这个国家的低收入人群中,抑郁症像是传染病一样流行

    And so we have an epidemic in this country of depression among impoverished people

  18. 公平承担、适度向低收入人群倾斜;

    Considering low income group of people ;

  19. 城镇低收入人群社会保障的需求与供给差异研究

    Differences in the demand and supply of social security to urban population with lower income

  20. 低收入人群卫生服务需要的满足程度仍受到限制。

    The needs of residents with low income on health service still could not completely meet .

  21. 在任何一个特定的时间点,高收入人群的储蓄额要高于低收入人群。

    At any one time people on higher incomes saved more than those on lower incomes .

  22. 高收入和低收入人群对家庭的资金投入水平还不清楚。

    The level of income that placed households in higher or lower groups was not clear .

  23. 心理障碍综合症发病率最高的人群是受伤者、低收入人群和西班牙籍研究志愿者。

    The post-traumatic stress disorder rate was highest among injured , low-income and Hispanic study volunteers .

  24. 通胀降低了低收入人群的购买力,也降低了他们储蓄的价值。

    Inflation decreases the purchasing power of low-income earners and decreases the value of their savings .

  25. 安徽省不同经济收入人群膳食评价公平承担、适度向低收入人群倾斜;

    Dietary Evaluation of Different Economic Level Population in Anhui province considering low income group of people ;

  26. 光顾塔吉特的顾客中同样包括低收入人群。但塔吉特已采取措施,独辟蹊径。

    Low-income customers shop at Target too , but the company has taken steps to differentiate itself .

  27. 发改委也要求当地管理机构在必须的时候给低收入人群提供现金补贴。

    The commission also asked local authorities to provide direct subsidies for low income people when needed .

  28. 许多发展中国家,已成功利用小额保险为低收入人群提供社会保障。

    In many developing countries , has succeeded using the petty insurance to provide the social security .

  29. 低收入人群疾病要严重,不得不承受较高的疾病经济负担。

    Lower income populations have to carry a much heavier disease economic burden when they suffer major illnesses .

  30. 它旨在帮助低收入人群,特别是那些难以租到价格合适房屋的毕业生人群。

    It aims to help people on low incomes , particularly graduates , who struggle to find affordable accommodation .