
  1. 据《Deadline》报道,《基本演绎法》在播完马上要播的这一季(13集)之后,就要结束了。

    Deadline reports that Elementary will end after its upcoming 13-episode season .

  2. 好Clay我们有许多新闻要播我们来谈下第XLVI届超级碗这项大赛

    Ok , clay , we have a lot of news to get to , so let 's talk about the big story Super Bowl XLVL .

  3. 这也就是为什么在秋季档要播8到9集的都很有难度。

    Delivering eight or nine episodes in any fall is really difficult .

  4. 因为现在我们要播新闻了。

    Coz now we gotta do the news .

  5. 保持神秘,但是要播下种子。

    Stay vague but plant the seed .

  6. 他们一天要播两次。

    They rerun it twice a day .

  7. 他们一让我离开这我就要播出去

    I 'm going to go live with it as soon as they let me out of here .

  8. 反正这节目今晚要播不,你的上级是谁我要跟这个杰瑞什么陶布聊聊

    And either way , the show is full tonight . No. Who is your boss ? I want to talk to this Jerry whatever , Taub .

  9. ‘哦,天呐,《唐顿庄园》要播完了,你们怎么办’成了大家都关心的问题,伊顿说,但红成这样也很好啊。

     ' Oh , my God , what are you going to do now , after Downton , ' is the question , Ms. Eaton said . But how great to be in the position of heightened visibility that we are .

  10. 不要用收获来判断每一天,要用播下的种子来判断。

    Don 't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant .

  11. 经营管理上要适时早播,其标准是早春扣膜后,当土壤5cm深处地温稳定在10℃时播种;

    Following measures were applied in the management : Beginning sowing at an opportune time early , which should be after film cover in early spring and while ground temperature achieve 10 ℃ in 5 cm ;

  12. 本文在介绍多播通信的背景知识和分析要实现多播尚需解决的问题的基础上,对多播路由算法和相关的中心点选择进行了较为深入全面的研究。

    This dissertation concentrate on research multicast routing and relevant center selection problem after the background of multicast communication and on-researching problem are discussed .

  13. 好恐怖,简直就像有病毒在我屋子里,要不是正在播“爱在他乡”,我真想跳到窗外去

    Biblical . There 's literally a pox on my house . If there wasn 't a Jules & Mimi marathon on BBC America this weekend ... I 'd have jumped out the window .

  14. 首先,最好保留你已经写的网络部分的代码,当你要加入多播支持时首先确认你确实需要否则不必改动你已写好的代码。

    First of all , all the current network code should be kept as it is , when you add multicast support make sure you do not remove any existing code unless you really think it is necessary .

  15. 今年多力多兹公司要让观众决定播哪条广告

    This year Doritos is letting viewers decide which ad to put on TV .

  16. 而要实现对多播协议的支持,必须要更新新的路由器或更改路由器的设置。

    To support the protocols , however , it ′ s necessary to update the router or modify the configuration of it .

  17. 虽然春天还没有来到,但要开始考虑如何播下使人愉快的工作氛围的种子已有些晚了。

    Spring may not yet be here , but it 's not too early to start thinking about how to plant the seeds of a happy working atmosphere .