
  • 网络broadcast channel;radio channel
  1. 【新闻后续】NPR正式向阿比吉尔道歉在得知关于2012总统大选的报道让小姑娘阿比吉尔大哭的事情后,美国国家公共广播频道周三正式向四岁的阿比吉尔·埃文斯致歉。

    NPR apologized on Wednesday to 4-year-old Abigael Evans , after learning that one of their reports on the 2012 election drove little Abigael to tears .

  2. 小姑娘努力克制住了自己的情绪,带着哭腔的回答母亲:“好吧…”埃文斯后来表示在从商店返家的途中,她从国家公共广播频道调到了NeilYoung音乐节目。

    Abigael then tried to get a hold of herself and responded to her mother with a tearful , " Okay . " Elizabeth said on the way back from the store she switched the radio from NPR to Neil Young .

  3. 几个当地的广播频道暂停常规节目来追踪该案。

    Several local radio channels suspended regular programing to follow the case .

  4. 有四种专门广播频道,播放不同类型的节目。

    There are four specialized radio channels , which broadcast different kinds of programmes .

  5. 国家公共广播频道在发表的博文中写道:仅代表国家公共广播频道和其他所有的新闻报道机构:

    On behalf of NPR and all other news outlets , NPR wrote in a blog post :

  6. 自星期六开始,独立电视台与新闻广播频道被禁止在国内播放。

    Independent TV and radio news channels have been prevented from broadcasting within the country since Saturday .

  7. 第三部分论述的是广播频道面临的环境分析,在这个部分详细地分析了广播频道外部所面临的危机和机遇;

    The third part analyzes the external environment the broadcasting industry is facing with detailed coverage on the problem and the challenge the industry faces .

  8. 埃文斯对9NEWS新闻网站表示,视频拍摄自周二她和女儿去杂货店的路上,当时他们正在听国家公共广播频道的报道,然后阿比吉尔就开始大哭。

    Evans told 9NEWS that she and her daughter were listening to NPR on a trip to the grocery store Tuesday when Abigael starting tearing up .

  9. 据他自己承认,他五音不全也不是音乐家,但他却写了一首最美丽最令人心痛的歌曲,在广播频道中一炮而红。

    By his own admission , Fred was tone deaf and a non-musician , but he wrote one of the most beautiful and heart wrenching songs to hit the airwaves .

  10. 第五部分主要是阐述了广播频道品牌战略对于广播频道自身发展、应对外部环境的挑战、顺应外部环境的机遇、扬自身优势、克自身劣势的必要性;

    The fifth part emphasizes the necessity of the branding strategy to the self-development , to the challenge and opportunity of the external environment and to take advantage of the strength while overcoming the weakness .

  11. 在BBC广播4频道,广播听众和BBC《未来》栏目的观众就一些有趣的科学问题进行提问,亚当·卢瑟福博士和汉娜·弗莱博士给予相应的回答。

    On BBC Radio 4 , Drs Adam Rutherford and Hannah Fry have been answering intriguing scientific questions from listeners and the BBC Future audience .

  12. 之后两人还会以录制四集节目的方式庆祝合作25周年,该节目将于英国广播公司频道四播放。

    Later this year they are set to create a four-episode series for BBC Four to mark their 25th anniversary at the corporation .

  13. 去年年底,两位主持人在英国广播公司频道二重拾九十年代节目,全季播放的消息紧随其后。

    The duo resurrected their anarchic early nineties show on BBC Two just before the new year and news of a full series swiftly - followed .

  14. 斯塔布斯的家人告诉英国广播公司新闻频道,她已经生病好几个月了。

    They told BBC News she had been ill for several months .

  15. 根据美国全国广播公司财经频道介绍,电子商品连锁店百思买(BestBuy)在1981年还叫“音乐之声”(SoundofMusic)。当时,其品牌旗下位于明尼苏达州的罗斯维尔零售店被龙卷风夷为平地。

    According to CNBC , electronics chain Best Buy was still called Sound of Music back in 1981 when the brand 's Roseville , Minnesota , store was reduced to rubble by a tornado .

  16. 周二,照例是10分钟的车程去上班,路上还听着美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)的广播。

    On Tuesday he drove his usual 10 minutes into work listening to CNBC on satellite radio .

  17. 一项2009年的调查发现,收看半岛电视台英语频道的观众比收看美国有线新闻网国际频道(CNN)和英国广播公司世界频道(BBC)的观众思想更开阔。

    A 2009 study found that viewers of Al Jazeera English were more open-minded than people who got their news from CNN International and BBC World . 2 .

  18. 美国最大的广播公司清晰频道(ClearChannelCommunications)6月5日宣布与一家乡村音乐唱片公司大机器(BigMachine)达成协议,将为它播出的所有大机器名下的歌曲演出付费,无论歌曲是由地面频道或数字频道播出。

    On June 5th Clear Channel Communications , America 's largest radio broadcaster , announced a deal with Big Machine , a country-music label , to pay performance royalties on all its radio channels , terrestrial ( ie , over the air ) and digital .

  19. 一月份,卡尔•伊坎与比尔•阿克曼本应该在美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)就康宝莱公司(Herbalife)进行辩论。

    In January , Carl Icahn and bill ackman went on CNBC supposedly to debate Herbalife ( HLF ) .

  20. 共和党副总统候选人在CNBC(美国全国广播公司财经频道)上称这一政策的花销将大于所获和保底金额,因此说它不是明智的财政政策。

    The Republican vice presidential nominee told CNBC the cost would outweigh the benefits and amount to a bail out for what he calls " bad fiscal policy . "

  21. 为了检验这些女人是否会因为事业有成而选择矮个男子,美国广播公司新闻频道的LynnSherr为这些矮个男子制作了非凡的履历。

    To see if the women would go for short guys who were successful , ABCNEWS'Lynn Sherr created extraordinary r é sum é s for the shorter men .

  22. 美国全国广播公司财经频道报道称公司之前计划的上市时间为8月初。

    CNBC reported that the company had previously scheduled its listing for early August .

  23. 财政部部长做客美国全国广播公司财经频道时呼吁大家要有经济爱国主义意识。

    On CNBC , the Treasury Secretary called for a new sense of economic patriotism .

  24. 埃及队中场队员艾哈迈德.法特希攻入了这粒进球。英国广播公司体育频道报道说,这球进得太“奇葩”。

    The ball went into Egypt 's net off their own midfielder Ahmed Fathi , in a goal which BBC Sport called " bizarre . "

  25. 据美国全国广播公司财经频道7月27日报道,世界各国由于其历史、文化的各不相同,表现在纸币的颜色、肖像以及总体设计上也千差万别。

    According to the report of NBC Business Channel on July 27th , the world 's notes vary from one country to another due to the different histories and cultures .

  26. 据美国广播公司新闻频道报道,在当地一家麦当劳,共有250位顾客在得来速(汽车穿梭)窗口点餐时,为下一位顾客买了单,这种慷慨给予的精神迅速传播开来。

    ABC News reports the spirit of giving is in the air as 250 drive-thru customers at a localMcDonald 's paid for the meals of the people next to them .

  27. 并不出人所料,正以黄金购买巨头身份而兴起的正是中国(根据美国全国广播公司财经频道最近的一篇报道)。

    But as should be no surprise , it is China that is emerging as a huge buyer of gold ( this is according to a recent piece in CNBC ) .

  28. 美籍华人厨师谭荣辉已在英国电视荧屏活跃了30年,他对英国广播公司美食频道说:80年代初英国的中餐清一色的糖醋排骨。

    Chinese-American chef Ken Hom has been on British TV for 30 years , and he told BBC Food : Chinese food at the beginning of the 80s [ in the UK ] was sweet and sour pork , mainly .

  29. 据美国全国广播公司财经频道报道,“显而易见”团体创作这幅画是为了证明“人工智能不仅能驾驶无人汽车,或者改变制造业,它还很有创造性。”这一团体由雨果·卡塞列斯-迪普雷和戈捷·维尔涅共同创立。

    The goal of the painting and of Obvious , also co-founded by Hugo Caselles-Dupr é and Gauthier Vernier , was to prove " artificial intelligence can do more than operate driverless cars or transform manufacturing - it can be creative , " CNBC reported .

  30. 美国广播公司新闻频道在小学生中做了一项试验,要求同学们将小个、中等或大个男人与一些词汇相联,孩子们纷纷将大个男子与强壮、英俊和聪明相联,而将小个男子与悲哀、恐惧和衰弱相联。

    ABCNEWS gave elementary school students a test , asking them to match a small , medium , or large figure of a man with a series of words . The kids overwhelmingly linked the tall figure to the words strong , handsome , and smart . The linked the short figure to the words sad , scared and weak .