
  • 网络the Plaza;The Plaza Hotel;Plaza inn
  1. 从1985年9月G7在广场饭店开会到1990年12月日经指数见顶期间,日元和马克对美元分别升值了40%左右。

    Between September 1985 , when the G7 met at the Plaza Hotel , and December 1990 , when the Nikkei Index peaked out , both the yen and the mark rose roughly 40 per cent against the dollar .

  2. 那里他的信都被寄到广场饭店。

    Where he had his mail forwarded to the Plaza hotel .

  3. 到广场饭店喝鸡尾酒是他们这个高雅时髦的圈子中的人每晚必做的事情。

    Cocktails at the Plaza was a nightly ritual of their sophisticated world .

  4. 我该在这等去广场饭店的往返巴士吗?

    Should we wait here for the shuttle bus to the Plaza hotel ?

  5. 两点钟,我在广场饭店的大厅等你。

    I 'll see you in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel at two .

  6. 大饭店的似水流年(之一)豪华中的尊贵&纽约花园广场饭店

    Passing Time of Grand Hotels ( 1 ) Honor in Luxury : The Plaza New York

  7. 然后去广场饭店吃晚饭

    Then The Plaza for dinner .

  8. 而我们大家都采取了这个更难理解的步骤&在广场饭店租用了一间套房的客厅。

    And we all took the less explicable step of engaging the parlor of a suite in the Plaza Hotel .

  9. 名人堂授勋仪式将在10月19日周四在利物浦的皇家广场饭店举行。

    The Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony will take place on Thursday 19th October at the Liverpool Crowne Plaza Hotel .

  10. 一条建议是:鉴于目前的实力所在,广场饭店不再是合适的谈判场所。

    A suggestion : given where power now resides , the Plaza is no longer the appropriate place for talks .

  11. 那天下午乔丹贝克说,当时她挺直地坐在广场饭店茶室里一张挺直的椅子上。

    Said Jordan Baker that afternoon , sitting up very straight on a straight chair in the tea-garden at the Plaza hotel .

  12. 当我们在广场饭店的舞厅里坐下时,我请罗哈廷讲述了他与他的团队是如何完成那项特殊重任的。

    As we sat in the Plaza ballroom , I asked Mr Rohatyn to explain how he and his team had pulled off that particular trick .

  13. 和许多珍贵的建筑一样,广场大饭店不仅是人们引以为荣的建筑装璜,更是人们记忆的载体。

    As with most treasured places , it is not just the architecture and d é cor that people so prize , but the memories that were born there .