
huán qiú xiǎo jiě
  • Miss Universe
  1. 唐纳德礠朗普(DonaldTrump)把环球小姐组织(MissUniverseOrganization)出售给了好莱坞人才与营销机构威廉莫里斯奋进-IMG(WME-IMG)。就在几天前,特朗普刚刚从他的前合作伙伴NBC环球(NBCUniversal)手中买入了环球小姐组织的股权。

    Donald Trump has sold the Miss Universe Organization to William Morris Endeavor-IMG , the Hollywood talent and marketing agency , just days after buying his former partner NBCUniversal out of the beauty pageant business .

  2. 赛后,环球小姐大赛主办方发布了官方声明:

    The Miss Universe organization released an official statement following the pageant :

  3. 选美生意,女人相伴特朗普买下环球小姐组织(MissUniverseOrganization)之后,就进入了一个充斥着年轻美女的行业。

    The Company of Women With his purchase of the Miss Universe Organization , Trump was in the business of young , beautiful women .

  4. 上周五,特朗普在推特(Twitter)上宣布,他已买入了NBC持有的51%环球小姐组织的股份。

    On Friday Mr Trump announced on Twitter that he had bought NBC 's 51 per cent stake in Miss Universe .

  5. 第三任妻子梅拉尼娅(Melania)与他一起主持了电视选美比赛“美国小姐”(MissUSA),还有“美国妙龄小姐”(MissTeenUSA)和“环球小姐”(MissUniverse)。

    His third , Melania , has co-hosted Miss USA , the television beauty pageant he created along with Miss Teen USA and Miss Universe .

  6. 他把头转向当时的环球小姐布鲁克·安托蕾·玛希拉妮·李(BrookAntoinetteMahealaniLee),就女儿的身材询问对方的看法。

    He turned to Brook Antoinette Mahealani Lee , Miss Universe at the time , and asked for her opinion of his daughter 's body .

  7. 图为头戴环球小姐桂冠的拉拉-度塔。

    Wearing map " Miss Universe " crown in Lala-degree tower .

  8. 她还在第二年参加了环球小姐的角逐,很不幸失败了。

    She competed for Miss Universe later that year but lost .

  9. 而美丽也恰恰是环球小姐的重要主题。

    This is exactly what Miss Universe pageant is all about , beauty .

  10. 一名25岁的委内瑞拉弗拉门戈舞舞者获得2013环球小姐的称号。

    And a 25-year-old Venezuelan flamenco dancer has been crowned Miss Universe 2013 .

  11. 今年25岁的洛佩斯是安哥拉的首个环球小姐冠军。

    The25-year-old Lopes is Angola 's first winner .

  12. 她被评定为环球小姐。

    She was judged " miss universe " .

  13. 被摘掉环球小姐后冠俄罗斯小姐否认已婚。

    After dethroned as Miss universe , Miss Russia denies that she is married .

  14. 图为墨西哥小姐在环球小姐比赛期间的泳装展示。

    John Legend and the Roots played while Miss Mexico showed off her evening gown .

  15. 一年一度的“环球小姐”选美大赛于1952年首次在加利福尼亚的长岛举行。

    The annual Miss Universe pageant was first held in Long Beach , California , in1952 .

  16. 参考答案:环球小姐是世界上最著名的选美活动之一。

    Suggested answer : Miss Universe is one of the most famous beauty pageants in the world .

  17. 经常听到一些环球小姐的参赛者回答不出连五岁小孩都会得问题。

    We have all heard Miss Universe contestants failing to answer questions that even five-year olds can .

  18. 今年12月,“环球小姐”决赛在拉斯韦加斯举行,“哥伦比亚小姐”被“张冠李戴”。

    Miss Colombia was wrongly declared Miss Universe at the 2015 pageant in Las Vegas this December .

  19. 实际上,中国小姐的民族服装还可以原谅,毕竟这是她们国家第一次参加环球小姐。

    Actually , China 's costume is forgivable since this is their first time to join MU .

  20. 本届环球小姐大赛在洛杉矶市区附近神秘的盛典礼堂举行。

    The Miss Universe contest was held at the fabled ( 14 ) Shrine Auditorium near downtown Los Angeles .

  21. 加芙列拉·伊斯勒是近六届环球小姐选拔赛的第三位来自南美国家的桂冠获得者。

    Gabriela Isler is the third winner from the South American country in the last six Miss Universe pageants .

  22. 科恩说:没人认输。而是环球小姐组织尊重加拿大的法律。

    " Nobody is capitulating . Rather the Miss Universe organization is respecting the laws of Canada ," Cohen said .

  23. 2015环球小姐选美比赛结束后,全民热议,史蒂夫·哈维却成为了网民讨论的重点。

    After the 2015 Miss Universe pageant ended , the credits were still rolling when the Steve Harvey memes started flooding Twitter .

  24. 尽管截止到目前,中国选手在环球小姐大赛中的最好成绩是第18名,但唐雯并不担心。

    Even though China 's best ranking in the Miss Universe pageant so far has been 18th , Tang Wen is not worried .

  25. 中文:今天我看环球小姐。今天是国殇日。我爱你们。我做了一片雪花。酱紫。

    Today I watch miss universe . today 's memorial day . I love you . I make a snowflake . that 's all .

  26. 尽管委内瑞拉小姐今年连续第二年摘得“环球小姐”桂冠,但该国极为成功的“造美工厂”也感受到了全球经济危机的影响。

    Despite a second consecutive victory at this year 's Miss Universe , even Venezuela 's hugely successful beauty factory is feeling the global pinch .

  27. 一边去,环球小姐,给在押小姐腾个地方&立陶宛即将举办比赛以选出最有魅力的在押女犯。

    Move over Miss Universe , make room for Miss Captivity , a contest to pick the most attractive female inmate serving jail time in Lithuania .

  28. 作为众多世界小姐和环球小姐的佳丽盛产国,委内瑞拉这个国家自然是拥有众多才华横溢,绝代佳人的。

    Home of many Miss Universe and Miss World beauty pageant winners , Venezuela is certainly one vast piece of land gifted and flourishing with beautiful faces .

  29. 美国当地时间12月20日晚,一年一度的环球小姐决赛在拉斯维加斯落幕,主持人史蒂夫·哈维闹了个大乌龙,让网上炸开了锅。

    On Sunday night ( Dec. 20 ) , the entire internet cringed endlessly for Steve Harvey , who hosted the annual Miss Universe pageant in Las Vegas .

  30. 在与政治竞选相关的财务披露中,特朗普表示,环球小姐组织的价值为500万美元至2.5亿美元,其营收为340万美元。

    In financial disclosures related to his political campaign , Mr Trump said Miss Universe was worth between $ 5m and $ 25m and had $ 3.4m in revenue .