
  • 网络Universal Picture Co;Universal Picture
  1. 是的,我对沃瑟曼说,如果他敢胡来的话我就离开环球影片公司。

    Yes , I told Wasserman I 'd leave Universal if there was any monkey business .

  2. 1981年大石油商M.戴维斯买下了这家公司。哥伦比亚影业公司(ColumbiaPicturesCorp.)1920年,原来在环球影片公司工作的H.科恩、J.科恩两兄弟和J.布兰特在好莱坞成立了一家摄制喜剧短片的小公司,名叫CBC电影销售公司。

    Metro Picture Corporation ( formed in 1915 ) , Goldwyn Picture Corporation ( 1917 ) , and Louis B. Mayer Pictures ( 1918 ) , under the control of movie theater magnate Marcus Loew .

  3. 参观完洛杉矾的好莱坞、环球影片公司和贝佛利山,我就认定当上电影明星就会有美好生活。

    After visiting Hollywood , Universal Studios and Beverly Hills in Los Angeles , I 've decided film stardom is where the good life lies .

  4. 随着环球影片公司的《速度与激情7》登上全球各大院线。,身为主演,保罗的海报登上了世界各地的广告牌。海报中邻家男孩豪华版的保罗目光犀利。

    As Universal Picture 's " Fast & Furious 7 " is expected to screech out of the blocks across the globe , the star stares down from billboards everywhere , a deluxe model of boy-next-door appeal .

  5. 2013年11月,保罗因为工作之外的一场车祸而离世,环球影片公司很快叫停了拍摄。而这场车祸悲剧促使公司将保罗饰演的布莱恩•奥康纳推上前台。

    The studio 's decision to keep the Brian O'Conner character front and centre was born out of tragedy . Walker 's death in an unrelated car accident during production in November 2013 prompted Universal brass to halt the shoot immediately .