
  1. 二是优化环境保护财政支出的结构和方式。

    The second is to optimize the structure of expenditures and ways .

  2. 对经济适用房房和环境保护的支出——中国政府声明的两个当务之急——去年已经下降。

    Affordable housing and the environment - two stated priorities of the Chinese government - saw spending fall last year .

  3. 中央财政环境保护预算支出是环境保护投资的重要来源之一,公共财政对环境保护作用巨大。

    Central fiscal expenditure on environmental protection is one of the important investment sources in environmental protection ( EP ) and public finance plays a tremendous role in environmental protection .

  4. 目前预计中国未来五年将在互联网领域投入约2万亿元人民币(合3130亿美元)——可以肯定,这是一笔巨额投入,但与中国将在环境保护上支出的17万亿元人民币(约合2.6万亿美元)相比就很小了。

    Over the next five years , China is currently predicted to spend about Rmb2tn , or $ 313bn , on the Internet - a large amount , to be sure , but dwarfed by the Rmb17tn , or $ 2.6tn , that China will spend on environmental protection .

  5. 针对我国一般性转移支付未充分考虑环境因素,论文提出将环境保护支出作为标准财政支出的构成,并在支出成本差异系数确定中充分考虑环境本底状况、区域环境敏感性等方面。

    The paper puts forward that EP expenditure should be a standard component of fiscal expenditure and the disparity coefficient of expenditure cost shall take full consideration of environment background conditions and regional environmental sensitivity aiming at the lack of full consideration of environmental factors in general national transfer payments .

  6. 一般环境税主要是基于收入的环境税,通过税收筹集收入用于环境保护支出。

    General environmental tax is mainly based on revenues which determine environmental protection expenditure .