
  • 网络Trump University
  1. 其中的杰夫里•图芬吉安(JeffreyTufenkian)曾在2011年告诉《纽约时报》,他在特朗普大学的经历几乎完全没价值。

    One of them , Jeffrey Tufenkian told The New York Times in 2011 that his experience at Trump University was almost completely worthless .

  2. 特朗普大学的一些学生支付了高达3.5万美元的学费。

    Some Trump University students paid as much as $ 35000 in tuition .

  3. 为解决一系列与特朗普大学有关的诉讼而达成的和解协议所涉的2500万美元,将不会由唐纳德•J•特朗普(DonaldJ.Trump)的慈善基金会支付。

    Donald J. Trump 's charitable foundation will not be paying any of the $ 25 million settlement to resolve a series of lawsuits concerning Trump University ,

  4. 上周六早,他在Twitter上表示:赢得总统选举唯一的坏处就是,我没时间就特朗普大学的诉讼经历长时间的庭审然后胜诉。

    He took to Twitter early Saturday to say : The only bad thing about winning the presidency is that I did not have the time to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U.

  5. 《学徒》具有教育意义,特朗普大学和我的著作也是教育工具。

    The apprentice has an educational subtext , and trump University and my books are educational tools .

  6. 斯皮塔尔尼克在2013年对特朗普大学提起了诉讼,他的办公室协助达成了这项和解协议,该协议同时解决了两项在圣迭戈联邦法院提起的集体诉讼。

    Mr Schneiderman sued Trump University in 2013 , and his office helped negotiate the settlement , which also resolved two class-action lawsuits filed in federal court in San Diego .

  7. 诉讼显示,在2004年至2010年运营的特朗普大学曾通过高压销售策略和有关该课程的虚假宣传,骗取学生数千美元学费。

    The lawsuits said that Trump University , which was in business from 2004 to 2010 , cheated students out of thousands of dollars in tuition through high-pressure sales tactics and deceptive claims about the program .

  8. 在竞选期间,特朗普曾表示他不喜欢和解官司,坚称学生们觉得特朗普大学很棒、漂亮。

    During the presidential campaign , Mr Trump said he did not like settling lawsuits and insisted that students found Trump University to be wonderful and beautiful .

  9. 考虑到外界称特朗普有利用慈善资金解决个人及生意上的法律纠纷的历史,我们要求提供书面保证,确保特朗普大学的和解资金不会来自任何慈善机构,总检察长的发言人埃米•斯皮塔尔尼克(AmySpitalnick)说。

    Given Mr Trump 's reported history of using his charity 's money to fund his and his businesses " legal settlements , we demanded written assurance that the Trump University settlement would not be paid for by any charitable entity , said Amy Spitalnick , a spokeswoman for the state attorney general .