
  • 网络special risks;Specific Risk
  1. 网络银行某些特殊风险之间存在风险传导机制。

    There are risk transmission mechanisms between some special risks .

  2. 本章从一般风险和特殊风险两个角度介绍了出租人可能面临的风险。

    The lessor may face two aspects of risk , including general risks and special risks .

  3. 某个国家有没有特殊风险?

    Are there specific risks to which a particular country is exposed ?

  4. 抱定本土经营的理念,同时也承担一些特殊风险。

    Being decidedly local also carries other , idiosyncratic risks .

  5. 劳合社是世界上最古老的领先的特殊风险保险市场。

    Lloyd 's is the world 's oldest and leading specialist insurance market .

  6. 具有特殊风险的工程作业应视为高风险作业。

    The work opera-tions of particular risk shall be identified as high risk operations .

  7. 在运营中是否有特殊风险?如有,请说明。

    Is there any special risk or danger .

  8. 航空涡轮发动机非包容转子失效是威胁飞行安全的典型特殊风险之一。

    Uncontained Turbine Engine Rotor Failure ( UERF ) is one of typical particular risks threatening Airplane .

  9. 在各种社会风险中,其中有一个因体制转轨所造成的特殊风险,就是社会控制的弱化。

    Among these social risks , the weakened social control is particular one resulted from system transition .

  10. 这部分为后面的论述提供了基础。第二章重点分析了金融控股公司的风险特点,包括其作为金融机构的一般风险和其自身的特殊风险。

    In chapter 2 , the author makes analysis to the general and special risks of financial holding company .

  11. 而且海上活动的特殊风险性也使得承担海上侵权责任的主体呈现扩大趋势。

    Moreover , the special marine risk makes the subjects of the liability of marine tort law show ampliative tendency .

  12. 一人公司不仅全部继受了普通公司所存在的风险,还给社会带来了一系列新的特殊风险。

    One-Man Company not only succeeds risks existing in ordinary company but also bring new special risks to the society .

  13. 本文从风险投资本身特点出发,探讨风险投资在中国所面对的特殊风险。

    Based on the venture investment 's characteristic , this paper discusses the special venture of the investment in China .

  14. 本文认真分析了我国网络银行存在的特殊风险,并详细论述了我国实施网络银行监管的目标、监管的方法和监管的内容。

    This paper analyses the special risks in Chinese internet banks and discusses the aim , methods and contents of supervision .

  15. 从影响的广度和深度可将旅游企业经营风险分为常规风险与特殊风险两大类。

    Tourism ventures have lots of operation risks which can be divided into two categories : common risks and special risks .

  16. 航运业是一个具有特殊风险的行业,然而传统的船舶投资决策却总是忽略不确定性对投资价值的影响。

    Shipping industry is one with special risks , and the traditional investment decisions of the shipping enterprise always ignore the influence of uncertainty .

  17. 而系统性风险对于保本基金和社会保障基金这样的具有特殊风险收益要求的机构投资者往往造成很大的危害。

    Systemic risk would be hugely harmful to the mutual guarantee funds and social security funds which always have special demand of risk and return .

  18. 然后,对出租人作为所有权人所面临的船舶优先权、留置权、船舶油污损害赔偿责任这些特殊风险进行了分析。

    Chapter Four analyses risks undertaken by the lesser , namely , Maritime Liens , Possessory Liens , and Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage .

  19. 在一个开放性的世界经济金融体系中,由于对外经济贸易活动面临的种种特殊风险与激烈的国际竞争。

    Among an open system of economy and finance of world , because all sorts of special risks and fierce international competitions that external trade activity faces .

  20. 同时金融机构又是如何规避林业的特殊风险来展开自己的借贷业务,达到双方利益的共赢。

    Financial institutions is how to avoid the special risks of forestry to expand their own lending operations , to achieve the interests of both parties win-win situation .

  21. 第三,网络银行特殊风险随着技术的创新不断变化,技术本身的风险特点渗透进网络银行特殊风险中。

    Thirdly , the internet banking special risks have been constantly changing with the innovation of technology , and the risk characteristics of technology itself infiltrated in internet banking .

  22. 而电子公证作为传统公证与现代网络的耦合,能够及时固定电子数据,降低电子商务的特殊风险。

    Electronics notarize is combination of tradition notarize and modern network . It can fix the electronics data on time , lower the special risk of the electronic commerce .

  23. 如果这些蛋白源来自于其它地方,那么如何确保不被来自于非疯牛病风险可忽略国家的特殊风险物质污染。

    If the protein source was obtained elsewhere , how is it determined that it was not cross contaminated with bovine SRM from countries not of negligible BSE risk ?

  24. 航运业是需要巨额投资的资本密集型的产业,而且是具有特殊风险的产业,海运业投资主要体现在船舶投资上,而行业的风险在船舶投资方面也得到了反映。

    Investment in ship is the main investment activity in shipping industry , from which the industry risks are clearly reflected Investment in ship is a special kind of investment .

  25. 使用文献研究、案例研究以及专家调研等方法,对巴基斯坦地区油气工程可能遇到的特殊风险因素进行了识别和分析,确定了风险清单。

    Secondly , the special risk factors in Pakistan oil projects were identified by literature research , cases study and expert interviews and the risk factors list was set up .

  26. 并总结了国际成熟的投资安排机制、参与管理机制、风险控制机制、企业治理机制等特殊风险投资运营微观监控机制经验。

    The paper summarizes the international mature experiences of investment arranging mechanism , joining management mechanism , corporate governance mechanism and so on microcosmic monitor mechanism of venture capital operation .

  27. 虽然总体上已经向过错要求转变,动物引起损害的严格责任仍然存在,原因可能在于动物所带来的特殊风险。

    Strict liability for damage caused by animals has survived ( with modifications ) the general shift to the fault requirement , probably because of the special risks they create .

  28. 关于活动物,承运人对由于这类运输所固有的任何特殊风险造成的灭失、损害或延迟交付不负赔偿责任。

    With respect to live animals , the carrier is not liable for loss , damage or delay in delivery resulting from any special risks inherent in that kind of carriage .

  29. 特殊风险包括船舶优先权风险、船舶留置权风险、船舶油污损害风险和沉船强制打捞清除风险。

    Special risks contain the risk of maritime lien , the risk of ship lien , the risk of oil pollution damage from ships and the risk of forced salvage and wreck removal .

  30. 但技术创新的风险也很大,不仅包含一般产业所具有的风险,而且还存在高技术产业的技术密集特点所具备的特殊风险。

    At the same time , the risk of technology innovation , which includes special risks owing to technology density of high tech industry as well as ordinary risks , is very high .