
tè dìnɡ wù
  • specific object;specific goods;individually defined thing;special thing
  1. 特定物不存在划拨问题。

    There is no issue of identification in specific goods .

  2. 区分特定物和待确定货物的意义在于,两者运用的规则不同。

    The significance of distinguishing specific goods from ascertained goods is that the rules applied to them are different .

  3. 电压基准论特定物

    The Discussion of Voltage Reference and it 's Application On Specific Object

  4. 产权是人们对有价值的特定物具有排他性控制的权利。

    The property right is about the right of exclusive control of a defined subject with value .

  5. 对于特定物或确定物,在合同双方确定的转移时间发生转移。

    For specific or ascertained goods , property passes at the time the parties intend it to pass .

  6. 就特定物指定继承人第五条继承开始后,按照法定继承办理;

    Article 5 Succession shall , after its opening , be handled in accordance with the provisions of statutory succession ;

  7. 论特定物与不特定物、代替物与不代替物及相关法律问题

    About Individually Defined Object and Non-Individually Defined Object , Substitute Object and Non - Substitute Object and the Relevant Legal Problems

  8. 决定物为特定物的因素并不限于物的属性,与物相关的某些非物质性因素同样可以成为决定物为特定物的因素。

    The determinant of the specific object is not necessarily the attribute of an object , and some non-material factors may serve as determinants .

  9. 时代的发展,治安形势的变化,促成了犯罪个体智能程度的提高,社会整体生存风险的加大,由此赋予了持有特定物这种静止状态即可构成犯罪的必要性与合理性。

    The development of times and the changes of security environment promote the intelligent level of criminals and the overall risk of social life .

  10. 特定物与不特定物、替物(类物)不代替物是根据不同的分类标准对物进行的分类。

    The terms - individually defined object and non-individually defined object , substitute object and non-substitute object are classified according to different categorical norms .

  11. 有足够证据证明行为人持有某特定物是因为已经实施其他前继犯罪时,以前继犯罪的事后不可罚状态论。

    It should not be deemed as an unlawful possession crime if the evidence shows that the possession is the result of committing a proceeding crime .

  12. 将持有特定物的行为规定为犯罪,在我国的立法中已为数不少。

    There are a number of examples in the lawmaking of the our country of which designate the behavior of hold the particular thing as the crime .

  13. 特定物是民法上的一个重要概念,但对这一概念的认识却很混乱。目前对武术概念的认识存在着许多分歧。

    Specific object is an important term that confuses a lot of people . Yet there are still some divergence of views as to how to define wushu .

  14. 一物二卖,又称二重买卖,系指出卖人先后以两个买卖契约,将同一特定物卖于两个不同的买受人的现象。

    Properties being sold twice , also called dual bargain , means that seller concludes two contracts successively in order to sell the same specific property to two different buyers .

  15. 论贸易利益概念在国际贸易学中的核心地位特定物是民法上的一个重要概念,但对这一概念的认识却很混乱。

    On the key Position of the Concept of " Trade Profit " in the Subject of International Trade ; Specific object is an important term that confuses a lot of people .

  16. 特定物是存在的,在货物买卖合同定立时可被确认为合同标的物的货物。

    Specific goods are goods that are in existence , able to be identified and agreed upon at the time the contract is made as being the goods that are the subject of the contract .

  17. 自理论层面观之,双重买卖涉及物权变动、债权契约、第三人侵害债权、损害赔偿、特定物债权撤销权等一些有争议的基本理论问题,这些问题也须要厘清。

    In the view of theory , double bargain is related with the change of rights over things , the obligation contract , the redress of wrongs , and other questionable basic theories , which should be made clear .

  18. 以不同地质条件所具备的特定物性前提为基础,笔者在本文中论证了测井资料定量分析煤质各项参数的途径、求值方法以及应用效果。

    On the basis of presupposition that different geological conditions possess various specific physical characters , the author demonstrate the due ways for quantitative analysis about various parameters of coal quality , for numerical evalution as well as the application effectiveness .

  19. 本文基于我国侵权责任法对侵害物权以及精神损害赔偿制度方面的规定,主要关注的是特定物上精神利益的损害赔偿问题。

    This article infringes upon the right the responsibility law based on our country to violate the real right as well as the spirit damage compensate system aspect stipulation , the main attention is on specific the energetic benefit damage compensate question .

  20. 结果GSCs在体外可以被诱导向VECs分化,表达内皮细胞特定标志物CD31(+)、CD34(+),在基质胶中可以形成血管样结构,可以分泌一氧化氮,具有部分成熟内皮细胞功能。

    Results GSCs can be differentiated into VECs in vitro and express endothelial cells special marker CD31 ( + ) and CD34 ( + ) . It can form tuber-like structure in Matrigel medium and secrete NO witch displayed part function of mature endothelial cells .

  21. 特定持有物或知识的遗失和被盗,给社会和个人造成了巨大的损失。

    Lost and stolen specific objects or knowledge has caused great losses to the society and individuals .

  22. 一旦他人获得了特定持有物或知识,将拥有和失主同样的权力。

    Once others obtain the specific holdings or knowledge , he / she will have the same rights as the owner .

  23. 使用大量的自然光也会减少特定建物里的灯源需求,进而降低电费。

    Large amounts of natural light will also reduce the need for lighting in a given structure , thus reducing utility costs .

  24. 因此,研究某一特定结构物的冻土上限或温度场分布及随季节的变化趋势是有意义的。

    So it is value to study the development of the upper limit of frozen soil or temperature field distribution according to the seasonal change .

  25. 虽然新的文章解释了许多遗传危害,但是免疫反应的特定引发物仍旧不明。

    Though the new paper explains much of the genetic risk , the specific triggers that set off the immune response and subsequent inflammation are still unknown .

  26. 玻璃增强热固性塑料管-潮湿条件下蠕变因子的测定和特定环状物的硬挺度计算GB/T14092.1-1993机械产品环境条件湿热

    Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics ( grp ) pipes-determination of the creep factor under wet conditions and calculation of the longterm specific ring stiffness Environmental condition for machinery products Warm-damp

  27. 它不仅需具有特殊和广泛的光学常数,以利于改进和简化光学系统的设计;还需具备特定的物化性质以满足特殊用途的需要。

    It should have special and widely optical constants to simplify and improve the design of optical system , and need to have specific physicochemical properties to satisfy a particular purpose .

  28. 别构部位:可以结合特定效应物或者调节物的酶的一个部分。结果9例病人术后发生胆道合并症,占各种腹部合并症的首位。

    Allosteric site A part of an enzyme to which a specific effector or modulator can be attached . Results 9 patients developed biliary complications , which , of all kinds of abdominal complications , rank first .

  29. 使高性能纤维芳纶分别与3种阻燃纤维混纺,并与导电纤维交织形成特定织物,对织物采用特殊染料和工艺进行染色整理。

    High performance fibres aramid are blended with flame retardant fibres of three kinds separately and the blending yarns are embedded with conducting fibres to form specific fabrics and the fabrics are dyed through the agency of special dye-staff and technology .

  30. 在成因上有同源性质,推测是混合的多源热液在绿岩带底部或地壳深部的特定地质物化环境中经受地球化学交换后形成的。

    As far as the genesis of these fluids are concerned , they are of isogeneous property formed inferentially with mixed thermal fluids of various sources in the bottom of greenstone belt or specifically in the geological physico-chemical environment of crust deep after geochemical exchange .