
yuē dìnɡ cái chǎn zhì
  • contractual property system;contractual system as to marital property
  1. 第三部分阐述了夫妻约定财产制的基本内容。

    In the third part , the write - introduced the basic contents of the spouse 's contractual property system .

  2. 在此基础上提出了进一步完善我国夫妻财产制的构想,如增设个人财产制,增加约定财产制的合法性和可操作性内容。

    Based on this , this paper put forward the conception to further perfect marital property system of our country , such as establishing individual property system , adding legality of contractual property system and operation content .

  3. 对夫妻约定财产制的再思考

    A further thought on the appointed property system of husband and wife

  4. 夫妻约定财产制若干问题研究

    Research on Husband and Wife Engagement Property System

  5. 论中国夫妻约定财产制

    On the Contractual Marital Property System in China

  6. 约定财产制下夫妻债务的承担,夫妻财产约定对第三人之效力。

    How to undertake marital debts and the effect of agreement against strangers are argued .

  7. 夫妻约定财产制探析

    Argument on Husband-wife Agreed Property System

  8. 此部分介绍了夫妻约定财产制的概念、性质。

    This section describes the Marital Property System in the concept , the nature , content and type .

  9. 夫妻约定财产制丰富了我国婚姻法的内容。

    The system of couple 's agreed property enriched the contents of the Marriage Law of our country .

  10. 约定财产制的内容过于简单,缺乏相应的法律规定。

    She also thinks that the content of the fixed provision is too simple because it lacks corresponding legal regulations .

  11. 程序方面,夫妻约定财产制公示存在问题;举证责任分配不合理。

    From the perspective of procedure , marital property system has publicity problem and unreasonable distribution of the burden of proof .

  12. 同时这三个国家对夫妻日常家事代理权、夫妻财产补偿制度、约定财产制的公示都有可借鉴之处。

    All these countries regulate the agent right to the daily housework in conjugal relation and the matrimonial property compensation system .

  13. 约定财产制为婚姻当事人灵活处理夫妻财产关系提供了余地。

    The marital agreement property system provides the leeway of dealing with the husbands and wives property relations with a flexible way .

  14. 结合我国实际情况,对我国现行夫妻约定财产制进行分析,以期提出一些完善我国夫妻约定财产制的立法建议。

    Analyzing and commenting on the valid marital property system in China , this article gives some suggestions on perfecting the marital property system .

  15. 我国建立了与台湾地区相类似的夫妻个人特有财产制度,完善了夫妻共同财产的范围和约定财产制;

    China has established a similar martial property system to Taiwan and perfected the scope of marital community property and Husband-wife agreed property system .

  16. 夫妻约定财产制系在男女平等之理念下,旨在规范夫妻财产关系的一种法律技术。

    Marital Property System in the Department of the gender equality concept , designed to regulate the relationship between marital properties , a legal technology .

  17. 我国的婚姻法确立了约定财产制和和法定财产制两种夫妻财产制度。

    Marriage law of our country has established the agreement property system and legal property system these two kinds of husbands and wives properties systems .

  18. 夫妻约定财产制体现了男女平等的特点,遵循了契约自由原则,顺应了时代发展的潮流。

    Marital property system reflects the characteristics of gender equality , it follows the principle of freedom of contract and follows the trend of the times .

  19. 为完善我国立法,有效规范婚姻当事人双方财产关系,应对夫妻约定财产制进行全面分析。

    To improve our legislation , effectively regulate marriage property relationships both parties and deal with the couple agreed property system carries on the comprehensive analysis .

  20. 夫妻财产关系作为《婚姻法》的主要内容之一,分为夫妻法定财产制和夫妻约定财产制。

    As one of the main contents in Marriage Law in china , Marital Property System may be divided into statutory property system and agreed property system .

  21. 现行婚姻法仅有三个条款涉及夫妻财产制,在立法体系和法定财产制、约定财产制的具体内容规定上均存在立法缺陷。

    The current marriage law has only three legal provisions on matrimonial property , the legislation defects of legislation system , statutory property system and agreed property system exist in it .

  22. 在约定财产制方面增加对于约定的契约订立时间与生效时间的具体规定,以及应当对约定的形式具体细化等规定。

    We also need to add the contracts for the agreed upon time and effective time to make specific provisions , as well as specific form and detailed and so forth .

  23. 在正常的夫妻财产制下设置了法定财产制、约定财产制、个人特有产、特别共同制四种财产制类型。

    In general property system , there have four matrimonial property regimes , including contractual property system , legal property system , individual peculiar property system and common peculiar property system .

  24. 第二部分介绍我国现行法律对夫妻约定财产制的基本规定,通过主体、类型、条件和效力四个方面展现我国现行法律对夫妻财产约定的规制结构。

    The second part describes basic agreements of the marital property agreement , which demonstrate regulation structure of the existing law in four aspects of subject , type , condition and effectiveness .

  25. 其调整的财产关系是一种建立在夫妻身份关系之上的财产关系,亦即夫妻约定财产制兼有身份法和财产法的双重属性。

    The adjustment of property relations is a relationship based on marital status of property relations , that is , Marital Property System in both law and property law as the dual property .

  26. 法定财产制是夫妻共同财产制与个人特有财产制的结合,这一财产制度在夫妻双方未采取约定财产制的情况下被广泛使用。

    It 's necessary to improve the divorcing partition system under the present marriage law of China , for it is too narrow in defining the range of common property of the couple .

  27. 在夫妻财产制方面,两地都采用法定财产制和约定财产制相结合的制度,但在立法结构的重心及具体规定上有差异。

    In the financial system , the system of legal property and agreed property are combined in both places , but there are differences in the stress of the legislative structure and concrete rules .

  28. 在这两部分,根据不同的标准对夫妻财产制作了不同的分类,按照立法形式,可分为法定财产制和约定财产制。

    In these two parts , Matrimonial Regime was divided into different species according to different standards . On the basis of legislative forms it was divided into legal property regime and promises property regime .

  29. 同时,研究了修改后的新婚姻法,客观地评价了该部法律的成功之处:完善了法定财产制,第一次界定了个人专有财产,进一步补充了夫妻约定财产制的内容等;

    Author studied the revised marriage law and evaluated it objectively : It makes property system perfect , and defines personal property clearly , moreover it complements the content on matrimonial agreement property system , etc.

  30. 同时,还从增设夫妻财产登记制度、完善我国现行的夫妻约定财产制两个方面提出了完善个人财产收益相关制度的设想,力求建立一个完善的个人财产收益体系。

    Also , I give out two measures , which are the establishment of the registration of matrimonial property system and the improvement of the agreement of matrimonial property system , in order to create a completely personal property benefit system .