
  1. 预防大学生犯罪需要社会、家庭、学校共同努力。从大学生成长的具体环境看,应把预防重点放在学校和家庭。

    The joint efforts of society , family and school are needed to prevent students from committing crimes and emphasis must be put on school and family .

  2. 在行为特征方面,认定是否为组织犯罪需要具备以下两个方面,以组织名义实施且其目的是为了维护组织利益。

    In the " behavioral characteristics ", whether a crime is organized crime is determined from two aspects : the crime is committed under the organization name and its purpose is to maintain the interests of the organization .

  3. 但是据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,霍尔德出席众议院司法委员会的听证会时表示,判定是否存在犯罪行为需要一些时间。

    But NPR 's Craig Windham reports Holder has told the House Judiciary Committee it would take time to determine if there was any criminal wrongdoing .

  4. 预防和惩治青少年犯罪,需要全社会广泛参与,综合治理。

    The whole society should participate in preventing and controlling it .

  5. 犯罪分子需要一种方式来获得报酬。

    Criminals need a way to get paid .

  6. 只有犯罪者需要对我感到恐惧。

    Only the guilty need fear me .

  7. 犯罪记录需要不断的更新。

    Criminal records need regular updating .

  8. 青少年犯罪不良需要的矫正

    Correcting Unhealthy Needs in Juvenile Delinquency

  9. 培养警察的信息素养,既是社会发展的需要,也是打击信息化犯罪的需要。

    Fostering police information self-cultivation is the requirement for both social development and attacking information crimes .

  10. 刑侦工作信息化,以适应现代刑事犯罪斗争需要为目标,实现传统业务和现代科技手段有机的结合,构建信息共享、快速运行、准确高效的工作模式。

    Combining traditional means with modern scientific methods , informatization in criminal investigation constitutes a swift and efficient work mode .

  11. 刑事责任的本质定义是犯罪人需要用生命、肉体、自由及名誉等承担犯罪恶害,恢复社会安定的刑罚份额。

    Nature definition is that criminal need use his life , body , freedom and reputation to take his responsibility .

  12. 因此,对于防治交通肇事犯罪,需要运用教育与惩罚并重的方式。

    Therefore , the prevention of traffic accident crime , require the use of both education and the way of punishment .

  13. 同时这些国家也规定了相应的例外规则,以利于及时打击犯罪的需要。

    At the same time , these countries also provide corresponding exception rules , in order to fight against crimes timely .

  14. 因此,在侦查过程中要寻求新的力量来满足侦破犯罪的需要。

    Therefore , in the course of the investigation to seek new strength to meet the needs of the detection of the crime .

  15. 而对于侦查指挥中心则应该按照打击职务犯罪的需要进行设立和明确其职能定位。

    For investigation command center should be in accordance with the needs of the blow duty crime set and clarifying its function orientation .

  16. 逮捕证据标准是侦检机关根据法律的规定,对拟采取逮捕强制措施的犯罪嫌疑人需要逮捕而提出的证明自己的主张所要求收集到的证据体系和标准。

    The probing agencies should have a shared system of criteria of evidence for arrest . It should be based on law and practicable .

  17. 沧海桑田,既有的刑罚体系已经难以满足打击和预防犯罪的需要。

    However , as time changes , the existing penalty system is now found difficult to meet the needs of combating and preventing crimes .

  18. 为了应对不断变化和严重的职务犯罪,需要将检察人员的工作过程自动化,提高效率。

    In order to deal with changes and the severe duty crime , it is necessary to automate procuratorial personnel work process to improve efficiency .

  19. 对于必要性主要从三方面分析,打击犯罪的需要、获取证据的需要、保护社会秩序的需要。

    For the necessity of major three-pronged approach to analysis , the need to combat crime , to obtain evidence of the need to protect national interests .

  20. 1979年《刑法》虽然规定了伪造有价证券罪,但这远远不能满足打击证券犯罪的需要。

    Although Criminal Law of 1979 had ordained the crime of counterfeiting valuable securities , it can not satisfy the needs of attacking the crime of securities .

  21. 在现代刑法中,刑罚个别化不仅要考虑预防犯罪的需要,而且要考虑报应的需要,既考虑犯罪的情状,也考虑犯罪分子重新犯罪的可能性。

    In modern criminal law punishment individualization stresses not only the need of defending crime and retributive need but also criminal complexion and criminal possibility over again of criminal .

  22. 我国《刑法》第三百零三条虽然对赌博罪作了专门规定,但是该规定明显原则化,不能适应打击新形势下赌博犯罪的需要。

    Although the criminal law made the specialized provision about the crime of gambling , that provision is so rough that it can 't adapt the demand of new situation .

  23. 随着赌博的手段和花样不断翻新,我国刑法关于赌博罪的规定已经不适应打击赌博犯罪的需要。

    From the early days , our country provides gambling crimes , on our view , gambling behavior which has serious social harm is a criminal offence , and requires severe blow .

  24. 近几年来,随着司法实践的发展,许多新问题和新情况不断暴露出来,现有的法律已经不能很好的适应打击食品安全犯罪的需要。

    In recent years , many new problems are exposed gradually with the development of the judicial practice . The law is not applicable to the needs of the crime against food safety .

  25. 我国1997年刑法增设了合同诈骗罪,其目的是适应社会主义市场经济发展和司法实践中遏制这类犯罪的需要,是加强对合同诈骗的打击力度的需要。

    The contract fraud crime was been written into the Criminal Law in1997 , and the aim is to crack down this kind of crime strictly for the requirement of socialist market economy development .

  26. 为了适应惩治和预防法人犯罪的需要,对法人犯罪及其防范问题进行研究,不仅十分必要,而且相当迫切。

    In order to meet the needs of punishing and preventing legal person 's crime , it is not only necessary but quite urgent to study legal person 's crime and precautions against it .

  27. 当代世界各国刑罚体系的结构一般都作主刑和附加刑之分,以适应惩罚轻重不同各类犯罪的需要。

    The structure of the penal system in all countries of the modern world is generally divided into the principal penalty and the accessory penalty in order to meet the demand of punishing various crimes .

  28. 附带搜查作为令状原则的传统例外,目的是平衡打击犯罪的需要与被逮捕人的权利,是现代刑事诉讼搜查制度中的一项重要内容。

    Search incident to lawful arrests , a traditional exception of judicial writ , is important in the modern system of criminal searches for the purpose of balancing the need to combat crime and the rights of arrested persons .

  29. 鉴于我国的基本国情和追诉犯罪的需要,提出在引进沉默权的同时,要参照国外的做法,对沉默权制度进行必要的限制,建立有限制的沉默权制度。

    Based on situations and needs underlying China to pursuing suspects , this article argues that China should legislate to protect this right as well as limit its usage by consulting the foreign approaches , thereby establishing the limited right to silence .

  30. 犯罪控制需要投入一定的人力、物力和财力,对这些要素如何进行合理配置和优化以实现最大效益是犯罪控制成本所要探讨的问题。

    Certain amounts of labor force , material , and property are needed in controlling crimes , and the problem that needs investigating in the costs of controlling crimes is how to reasonably allocate and optimize these elements for the realization of maximum efficiency .