
hé huǒ cái chǎn
  • partnership property
  1. 共同分享合伙财产和利润

    Co-ownership of partnership property and profits

  2. 首先,合伙的财产应该是独立的。

    Firstly , the property of the partnership should be independent .

  3. 我国合伙企业财产由三部分构成,相应地合伙企业破产财产也有三部分构成。

    Our partnership property consists of three parts , corresponding to the partnership bankruptcy property .

  4. 合伙企业财产来源于合伙人的出资和合伙企业存续期间所得收益两部分。

    The property of partnership firm comes from partners ' investment and the profits gained from the period of firm existence .

  5. 通过对有限责任合伙的财产进行规范管理,对其进行界定和维持,以此来维护债权人的利益。

    By regulate the property of a limited liability partnership , its definition and maintained in order to safeguard the interests of creditors .

  6. 合伙企业财产不足清偿到期债务的,各合伙人应当承担无限连带清偿责任。

    If the partnership property is not sufficient to pay the debts that are due , each partner shall be jointly and severally liable for payment thereof .

  7. 有限责任合伙的财产要对有限责任合伙的债务承担责任,有不当行为的合伙人则要对自身行为导致的有限责任合伙的债务承担个人责任。

    Limited liability partnership has to use its assets to respond the debts , in the meanwhile , culpable partner is personally liable for the debts attributed to his behaviour .

  8. 合同型合伙的财产性质应由合伙人约定,组织型合伙对其财产应享有独立的财产权;

    In regard to partnership based on contract , the nature of property is determined by partners while partner should enjoy independent property right as for partnership based on organization .

  9. 本文通过对这两部分财产的法律性质进行分析,认为合伙企业财产既有共有关系,又有共用关系。

    By analyzing the law attribute of the two parts of poverty , the paper reveals that the poverty of partnership firm exists the relation of co-ownership and of joint use .

  10. 我国合伙企业破产财产分配制度还存在不足,需要加以完善。

    Partnership Bankruptcy property distribution system is inadequate and it still needs to be improved .

  11. 合伙企业的财产由全体合伙人依照本法共同管理和使用。

    Partnership property shall be jointly managed and used by all the partners in accordance herewith .

  12. 合伙企业破产财产是用于清偿合伙企业债务的具体保障,如何界定其与合伙人财产的范围,关系到合伙企业债权人、合伙人及其债权人等相关主体的合法利益。

    Partnership bankruptcy property can satisfy the debts of the partnership . How to define the scope of the property with a partner , related to the partnership creditors , partners and creditors , and the legitimate interests of other related subjects .

  13. 合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有。

    The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners .

  14. 合伙人投入的财产,由合伙人统一管理和使用。合伙经营积累的财产,归合伙人共有。

    The property provided By the partners shall Be under their unified management and use . The property accumulated in a partnership operation shall belong to all the partners .

  15. 从合伙人承担责任的性质、破产法新的价值取向等得出合伙企业的破产原因应是合伙企业财产不能清偿到期债务;

    The cause of insolvency , in the view of the way that partners take responsibilities and the new tendency of insolvency law , is that a partnership enterprise is not able to repay its due debt .

  16. 有限责任合伙免除了合伙人大部分的个人责任,债权人只能追索合伙财产和有疏忽的合伙人个人,债权人面临比普通合伙更大的风险。

    Since it freed the main personal duty of partner , the creditor can only pursue the partnership assets and negligent partners , so the creditor will confront much more risk .

  17. 合伙债务承担问题是合伙企业的一个核心问题,而合伙企业财产是合伙企业对外承担债务的重要保障,是合伙企业营利的物质基础,因此对于合伙企业财产性质的法律研究就显得尤为重要。

    Partnership debts and liabilities of the problem is a core issue of partnership , while the partnership property is a partnership of foreign debt , an important guarantee is the material basis of partnership profits , so the property for the partnership nature of legal research is particularly important .

  18. 商合伙破产原因应引入“停止支付”概念,并严格区分合伙与合伙人、合伙财产与合伙人财产;

    The count for bankruptcy of commercial partnership should lead into the concept of " stop payment ", while the law should strictly distinguish partners and partnership , property of partners and property of partnership .