
hé yì
  • consensus;to liking;suit;be to one's liking
合意 [hé yì]
  • (1) [suit;be to one's liking]

  • (2) 称心如意

  • (3) 当事人双方意见一致

合意[hé yì]
  1. 通过合意方式解决纠纷&美国经济活动中ADR方式运用状况分析

    Resolution of Disputes Through Consensus & Analysis on the Application of ADR in America Economic Activities

  2. ADR强调通过当事人合意解决纠纷,而司法程序通过强制性权威解决纠纷。

    ADR emphasizes on resolving disputes via parties ' consensus , while judicial procedures resolve disputes via compulsory authority .

  3. 他转动了一会收音机旋钮才找到了合意的节目。

    He twiddled with the radio knob until he found the right programme .

  4. 所购之物若不合意,我们将全额退款。

    If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund .

  5. 这双鞋你合意么?

    How do you like this pair of shoes ?

  6. 这幅画我不合意。

    This painting is not to my taste .

  7. cupoftea意思是“喜欢的东西,合意的人”。

    They are just not my cup of tea .

  8. 配置TCP包装程序,以便仅允许选定的远程主机并拒绝不合意的主机

    Configure TCP wrappers to allow only selective remote hosts and deny undesirable hosts

  9. arrange指的是排成合意的或正确的顺序

    Arrange is to put in a pleasing or correct order

  10. CMA平台是在小型车领域寻找成本节省空间、创造合意的利润率的一次尝试。

    The platform is an attempt to find cost savings and make acceptable margins on small cars .

  11. Collection框架还处在开发阶段时,内部类就是可用的了,CollectionsAPI的创建可促进它们的使用,但是内部类的语法开销使得这一做法变得不太合意了。

    Inner classes were available at the time the Collections framework was developed , but the syntactic overhead of inner classes made creating Collections APIs that encouraged using them less desirable .

  12. 空位罚分最终对Bootstrap支持率影响不大,但是在大多数情况下却改变了严格合意树的拓扑结构和分辨率。

    Gap penalties have little effect on bootstrap support values , however , they change the topological structure and resolution of strict consensus trees in most cases .

  13. 司法ADR作为一种纠纷解决机制,是国家司法行为和当事人合意行为的结合,并以公平、正义作为自己追求的价值目标。

    As a dispute settlement mechanism , Judicial ADR is the National Judicial Conduct and the combination of the parties desired behavior , and in a fair , just as its value goal .

  14. 当然,鉴于路径依赖效应(Path-dependenceeffect)的存在,在合意的公司治理模式的构造过程之中,我们必须充分考虑到文化传统、法律体系和制度背景等诸多基因的特殊性。

    Of course , due to the path dependence effect , we should take into account the specialties of various factors , such as culture and customs , law systems , etc. , while introducing the optimum model of corporate governance .

  15. 有些消息灵通的女士会跑到伦敦去买合意的文胸,比如Rigby&Peller内衣店,据说伊丽莎白女王和LadyGaga都是他们的客户。

    Some in-the-know women traveled as far as London lingerie stores like Rigby & Peller , whose clients are said to include both Queen Elizabeth and Lady Gaga .

  16. Markowitz指出,一个合意的资产组合决不仅仅是一系列优秀的股票债券的罗列,而是能够在各种可能的情况下为投资者提供保护和机遇的平衡的整体。

    Markowitz pointed out that a desirable portfolio is never a list of first-class stocks and bonds , but a balanced integer which can provides protection and opportunities for investors under all circumstances .

  17. 合同权利义务因当事人的合意而成立时,即具有合理性和法律上的效力。

    Rights and obligations derived from mutuality is reasonable and enforceable .

  18. 存在双方当事人、当事人达成合意是教育合同成立的要件。

    Parties and consensus are essential conditions for an education contract .

  19. 有些问题他们的看法不尽一致,有些时候她似乎不很合意。

    There were points on which they did not quite agree ;

  20. 在民事法律中,合同法是对共识(合意)尤为强调的。

    Consensus is particularly emphasized in contract law in civil areas .

  21. 论民事证据合意建设符合自身特点的品牌医院特色文化

    Constructing the characteristic culture of trademark hospital accord with itself point

  22. 合意的银行业结构既不是自由竞争也不是高度集中和垄断。

    A favorable banking structure is neither free competition no monopoly .

  23. 只要合意,雄性成年北极熊就会杀死幼小的北极熊。

    Adult males will kill younger bears if it suits them .

  24. 基于合意度的公路客运站综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation for Road Passenger Stations Based on Possibility-Satisfactory Degree

  25. 第二部分研究的是合意集的范畴。

    The second part is about category of Consensus Set .

  26. 德国关于交付制度既要有合意又要有外在形式。

    Germany about delivery system have accord and external form .

  27. 法院调解实现中的冲突化解与合意纯化

    Conflict quelling and accommodation purification in implementing conciliation of court

  28. 不合意的;令人不快的;讨厌的。

    Not to one 's liking ; unpleasant or offensive .

  29. 终于我在那家商店里看见了那件合意的外套。

    I finally saw a desirable coat in that store .

  30. 此手表如不合意可以更换。

    The watch is exchangeable if it is not satisfactory .