- 网络the principal

When the principal gains or recovers capacity for civil conduct ;
The subjective requisites of Ostensible Agency must include the principal 's fault ;
When the principal rescinds the entrustment or the agent declines the entrustment ;
When the principal or the agent dies ;
The principal shall bear civil liability for the agent 's acts of agency .
An entrusted agent shall exercise the power of agency as entrusted by the principal .
The other party may demand that the principal ratify the contract within one month .
The principal may be obligated as if it had expressly granted the authority to agent .
An attorney using its principal 's trademark for registration in its own name without authorization ;
Commercial agency is a kind of behavior with legal effects in which the agents are for-profit .
Or ( 5 ) when the principal or the agent ceases to be a legal person .
Or ( 5 ) when the guardian relationship between the principal and the agent ends for other reasons .
Where the principal fails to manifest his intention , he is deemed to have declined to ratify the contract .
An agent shall perform civil juristic acts in the principal 's name within the scope of the power of agency .
An agent shall bear civil liability if he fails to perform his duties and thus causes damage to the principal .
Moreover , ostensible agency authority is not a real agency authority , but a special relationship between the client and the third person .
On the Principal 's Right of Ratification in Agency by Ratification Part three discusses some problems of agency by estoppel which mainly talks about two problems .
If an agent and a third party in collusion harm the principal 's interests , the agent and the third party shall be held jointly liable .
Article 68 If in the principal 's interests an entrusted agent needs to transfer the agency to another person , he shall first obtain the principal 's consent .
The patent agency shall comply with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations , and handle patent applications and other patent matters according to the instructions of its clients .
First , the direct counterpart , after the establishment of bill apparent agency , has the right to claim bill rights from both the principal and the unauthorized agent .
In the agreement , should consciously safeguard the Party A Party B ( by agents ) the interests of their business activities without prejudice to the rights and interests of Party .
In respect of the contents of its clients ' inventions-creations , except for those that have been published or announced , the agency shall bear the responsibility of keeping them confidential .
Third , when the principal was chosen to be the subject of legal responsibility , he has the right to claim compensation against the unauthorized agent if the principal suffers a loss .
If the power of attorney is not clear as to the authority conferred , the principal shall bear civil liability towards the third party , and the agent shall be held jointly liable .
In practice , special attention should be paid to the relationship about the contract on selling other 's property and the contract being signed by others under the name of the agency and the ownership based on kindness .
Article 17 . In undertaking or acting as agents in advertising business , advertising operators shall sign with advertisers or those who have entrusted them with the business written contracts that shall stipulate explicitly each party 's responsibilities .
" If the principal 's consent is not obtained in advance , the matter shall be reported to him promptly after the transfer , and if the principal objects , the agent shall bear civil liability for the acts of the transferee ;"
The meaning of the concept of peasant collective is not clear ; the relationship between the various levels of collective unclear ; the relationship between agent and principal is not correct . Third , the content of agricultural land ownership is ambiguity .
Article 66 The principal shall bear civil liability for an act performed by an actor with no power of agency , beyond the scope of his power of agency or after his power of agency has expired , only if he recognizes the act retroactively .