
  • 网络delusion of persecution;Persecutory delusion;delusions;Paranoid delusion
  1. 结果56例患者的主要相关因素为既往攻击行为史、BPRS的敌对猜疑和激活性、被害妄想等,EPQ-N分、P分,MAOS攻击指数≥9。

    Results The main relative factors of the 56 patients were anamnesis of aggressive behavior , hostile , suspicion , activity and delusion of persecution etc in the BPRS , the scores of N and P in the EPQ and aggressive index ≥ 9 in MAOS .

  2. 对39例旅途精神病暴力犯罪司法鉴定案例进行了分析,发现本组患者最常见的症状是被害妄想、情绪障碍和意识障碍。

    Abstract The judicial appraisement of violent crime in 39 patients with travel psychosis was analysed . Of all symptoms , delusion of persecution , disturbance of emotion and consciousness were most frequently seen .

  3. 晚发组女性明显多于男性,精神因素,幻觉、被害妄想、偏执观念、情绪障碍等症状突出。

    The late onset group had significantly more females , more hallucination , more persecutory delusion .

  4. 精神症状以原始性幻觉,被害妄想,强制性思维,病理性赘述,易激惹为主;

    Main mental symptoms were primary hallucination , persecutory delusion , forced thinking , circumstantiality and irritability .

  5. 幻觉和妄想症状则以幻听、被害妄想最多见。暴力攻击行为受被害妄想或幻觉直接支配,均指向陌生人。

    The violent attack which was directed against the stranger was directly controlled by delusion of persecution and hallucination .

  6. 临床表现以敏感多疑、被害妄想、关系妄想、惊恐反应、意识障碍、行为异常、冲动伤人为主要症状,缓解迅速。

    The main clinical symptoms were sensitiveness , doubt , persecution delusion , reference delusion , panic reaction . consciousness disorder and dystropy , which remitted rapidly .

  7. 或许,在政府向人民灌输了几十年的被害妄想之后,这一宣传攻势会说服一些叙利亚人相信,外部势力针对叙利亚策划了邪恶的阴谋。

    Perhaps the propaganda effort will convince some Syrians , fed on decades of state paranoia , that a sinister outside plot has been hatched against them .

  8. 结果有嫉妒妄想占60.9%,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想、幻听、幻视及对配偶攻击行为方面显著高于无嫉妒妄想组。

    Results Delusion of jealousy occupy 60.9 % , delusion of jealousy set in the companion contain delusion of persecution 、 auditory hallucination 、 visual hallucination and the aggression to spouse significantly higher than have no delusion of jealousy set .

  9. 所有伴有嫉妒妄想的痴呆患者与60%无嫉妒妄想的痴呆患者均至少伴有一种或一种以上的其它精神症状,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想及幻听症状中有显著性差异。

    Both dement patients with jealousy delusion and 60 % ones without jealousy delusion showed one or one and over other mental symptoms at last . There was significant difference in delusion of persecution and auditory hallucination in the group of jealousy delusion .