
  • 网络Feeling of being controlled;delusion of being controled;delusion of control;feeling of being eontrozled
  1. 通过绘制曲线图,发现大二年级的网络疏离感总分及其三个维度(被控制感除外)均显著高于其余三个年级。5.重庆市大学生网络疏离感及其各维度在生源地上的差异研究。

    In order to know the development of the sense of alienation between grades , we drawed the curve and found that the network sophomore year of were significantly higher than the other three grades on alienation and its three dimensions ( except a sense of being controlled ) 5 .

  2. 应对灵活型和积极不灵活型被试的控制感显著高于消极不灵活型和积极不一致型;

    The perception of control of the flexible and active-inflexible group was significantly stronger than the other two groups ;