
huàn shì
  • photis;visus;visual hallucination;hallucinate
幻视 [huàn shì]
  • [visual hallucination] 视幻觉,目视的幻觉

幻视[huàn shì]
  1. 结果有嫉妒妄想占60.9%,嫉妒妄想组在伴有被害妄想、幻听、幻视及对配偶攻击行为方面显著高于无嫉妒妄想组。

    Results Delusion of jealousy occupy 60.9 % , delusion of jealousy set in the companion contain delusion of persecution 、 auditory hallucination 、 visual hallucination and the aggression to spouse significantly higher than have no delusion of jealousy set .

  2. 佩恩大夫把拉娜领回检查室,告诉她她有幻视。

    Dr Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things

  3. 不巧的是,她在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中已经领了盒饭,但是洛基和幻视都可以死而复生回来拍自己的电视剧,她为什么不能?

    Inconveniently1 , she was killed off in Avengers : Endgame , but Loki and Vision came back from the dead for their own TV series , so why shouldn 't she ?

  4. 多奈哌齐所致DLB患者枕叶rCBF改变与幻视的关系

    Correlation of visual hallucinations with occipital rCBF changes by donepezil in DLB

  5. 迪士尼+系列《旺达幻视》带来了《复仇者联盟》成员幻视(PaulBettany)和猩红女巫(ElizabethOlsen),开展衍生剧的拍摄;

    Disney + series WandaVision , brings back Avengers members Vision ( Paul Bettany ) and Scarlet Witch ( Elizabeth Olsen ) for a madcap serial spinoff ;

  6. 暴露控制法治疗慢性精神分裂症长期幻听的对照研究多奈哌齐所致DLB患者枕叶rCBF改变与幻视的关系

    Controlled study of exposure control in treating long-term auditory hallucinations in patients with chronic schizophrenia Correlation of visual hallucinations with occipital rCBF changes by donepezil in DLB

  7. 给他安排在哪了幻视隔壁吗

    Where 's he between ? He 's next to Vision ?

  8. 他出现了幻视,看到路边堆积着尸体。

    He was seeing dead bodies on the side of the road .

  9. 主要并发症有听力下降和振动幻视。

    Hearing loss and vibration illusion vision are two complications .

  10. 基于触觉感知的仿真光幻视特性研究

    Study of Simulated Phosphene Characteristics Based on Tactile Perception

  11. 弱者文化的传播途征:生命幻视与精神自疗&伤痕文学的征兆阅读

    The transmit way of the weaker culture : Life heteroptics and spiritual self-cured

  12. 《旺达幻视》将在1月15日至3月12日播放9集。

    WandaVision will run for nine episodes between January 15 and March 12 .

  13. 仿真假体视觉下基于触觉感知的光幻视尺寸特性研究

    The Study of Phosphene Size Perception Based on Tactile Judgment Using Simulated Prosthetic Vision

  14. 嗯幻视不怎么走门

    Yeah . Vision 's not big on doors

  15. 《旺达幻视》有多少集?

    How Many Episodes is WandaVision ?

  16. 1例皮质发育不良所致癫痫患者在枕叶皮质切除术后出现复杂幻视

    Complex visual hallucinations after occipital cortical resection in a patient with epilepsy due to cortical dysplasia

  17. 魔术师熟练运用制造幻视手法迷住观众,使东西时现时隐。

    The magician tricks the audience with skilful optical illusions , making things appear and disappear .

  18. 偏头痛患者光幻视阈值的变异性高于对照者:一项连续经颅磁刺激研究

    Higher variability of phosphene thresholds in migraineurs than in controls : A consecutive transcranial magnetic stimulation study

  19. 就是有点吓坏了,还有点奇怪,为什么她会出现幻视。

    but she 'd been very startled and very bewildered , because she 'd been seeing things .

  20. 将在迪士尼+平台播出的由她主演的《旺达·幻视》将把绯红女巫引入《奇异博士2》的世界。

    The events of her Disney + series , " WandaVision , " will directly tie in to " Doctor Strange 2 . "

  21. 他们出现了恐怖的症状:瞳孔放大、心跳加速、幻听幻视、精神错乱、争强好胜,还可能昏迷或者痉挛。

    They would have experienced horrific symptoms , including dilated pupils , racing heartbeat , hallucination , delirium , aggressive behavior and possibly coma or seizures .

  22. 仿真环境模拟了植入电极数为10×10、相邻电极间距为250μm的矩形视网膜电极阵列的光幻视效果。

    The phosphene perception induced by a 10 × 10 retinal electrode array with 250 μ m separation between adjacent electrodes was simulated in a virtual-reality simulation environment .

  23. 各种视觉假体刺激的部位不同,但是基本功能是相同的,都需要将外界的光信号转换为可用的电流脉冲,通过微电极阵列刺激相关部位产生光幻视。

    All visual prostheses have the same function : converting outside optical signal to certain current pulses and stimulating the relevant parts by the micro-electrode array to generated phosphenes .

  24. 结论:顽固性非肿瘤枕叶癫痫患者的特点多有结构异常,以单侧为主的强直-痉挛性癫痫多见,幻视先兆常见,手术效果好。

    Conclusion : Intractable occipital epileptic patients always had abnormal MRI image , general tonic clonic seizure with unilateral severity sign , more vision auras and good surgical outcome .

  25. 压眼闪光,光幻视:通过机械或电子途径而不是通过光使视网膜兴奋从而感受到光,如当眼球被紧闭的眼脸压迫时。

    A sensation of light caused by excitation of the retina by mechanical or electrical means rather than by light , as when the eyeballs are pressed through closed lids .

  26. 患者中毒后周围神经系统症状和体征阳性率、中枢神经系统症状阳性率、各种精神症状阳性率(除幻听幻视外)均高于中毒前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    The positive rate of symptoms of peripheral nerves , central nerves and psychogeny except auditory and visual hallucination after poisoning was significantly higher than that before ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 通过仿真实验评估了窗口宽度、光幻视灰阶数以及光幻视刷新率3种因素对阅读工效的影响。

    Reading rates of normally sighted subjects were assessed and compared with the effects of window width , the number of gray levels , and phosphene refresh rate in the vision system .

  28. 幻视较其他器质性精神障碍更强烈、更特殊和易于复发,可见到色彩鲜明的景物、小昆虫、尸体、熟人的头颅等。

    Photism is otherer implement obstacle of qualitative sex spirit is more intense , more special and have a relapse easily , the head that sees flaming scenery , gnat , body , friend .

  29. 有趣的是,本来并不打算把《旺达幻视》作为漫威宇宙电影第四阶段的标志电影——这一殊荣本该是院线上映的《黑寡妇》。

    Interestingly , the notion of the reality-altering WandaVision serving as the introduction to Phase Four of the MCU was far from the original plan - that honor was originally designated for big screen solo offering Black Widow ,