
huàn jué zhènɡ
  • hallucinosis
  1. 酒精中毒性幻觉症的临床与犯罪&附3例报告

    Clinical feature and criminal behavior of three cases with alcoholic hallucinosis

  2. 了解酒精中毒性幻觉症的临床类型、特点及转归。

    Objective : To study the clinical types , features and consequences of alcoholic hallucinosis .

  3. 结果精神障碍类型中以酒依赖综合症最高,占97.14%,疗效以酒中毒性谵妄、酒中毒性幻觉症效较佳,酒依赖综合症及酒中毒性遗忘、痴呆最差。

    Results 70 cases were chronic alcoholism . The alcohol dependence syndrome were the highest in forms of mental disorders ( 97.14 % );

  4. 结果··:酒精中毒性精神障碍的幻觉症、谵妄、人格改变与饮酒时间呈正相关。

    Result : There was a positive relationship between the psychiatric symptoms ( hallucination , delirium and personality changes ) induced by alcoholism and duration of alcohol consumption .