
  1. 我幻想的未来景象,有赖于一些企业负责人能够自愿通过树立有力榜样,带动其他人追随,引导中国前进。

    My fantastic portrait of the future depends on a few chief executives volunteering to pilot China forward by presenting powerful examples for the rest to follow .

  2. 这有助于她幻想他们的未来。

    It helped her to lmaglne thelr future Monogrammed towels .

  3. 像一名规划师那样幻想你的未来吗?

    Fantasize about your future as an event planner ?

  4. 他开始幻想自己的未来。

    He started to daydream about the future .

  5. 施密特可以随自己的喜好去幻想数字化的未来,并嘲讽维亚康姆是个律师控制的机构。

    Mr Schmidt can muse about the digital future and ridicule Viacom for being run by lawyers all that he likes .

  6. 如果你发现自己在幻想美好的未来,那就去洗个冷水澡,或者找个讲道理的好朋友谈谈。

    If you find yourself fantasising about that happy future , take a cold shower , or speak to a grounded friend 。

  7. 其它研究也表明:做白日梦(以及晚上做梦)或帮助人们更好的解决问题,而幻想自己的未来'对于个人实现即将到来的目标尤为有益,'研究作者在论文中写道。

    Other research has also suggested that daydreaming ( along with night dreaming ) may help people become better problem-solvers , and that daydreaming about the future " can be particularly beneficial in preparing individuals to obtain their upcoming goals , " the authors wrote in their paper .

  8. 童年的时候总会有那么一个瞬间,幻想着美好的未来悄悄来临。

    There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in .

  9. 两人都幻想着彼此的未来,却也总惦记着对方的过去。

    Two people dream of each other in the future , but also think about each other 's past .

  10. 大多数人都不能做到这一点,他们不是沉浸在过去的回忆中,就是整天幻想着自己的未来。

    The majority of people do not live in the present . They either dwell on their past or daydream about the future .