
huàn shù
  • magic;conjuring;sorcery;thaumaturgy
幻术 [huàn shù]
  • [sorcery;conjuring] 表示使用咒文、符录或咒语,以产生一种往往有害的效果

  • 说书人将历史素材变成戏剧细节的幻术

幻术[huàn shù]
  1. 道教幻术母题与唐代小说

    Magic Motive of Taoism And the Novels in Tang Dynasty

  2. 幻术母题与明清通俗小说

    Magic Motif and Popular Novel of Ming and Qing Dynasties

  3. 乍看上去,它完全像是一位炼金术士的幻术。

    At first glance , it all seems an alchemist 's illusion .

  4. 侏儒对一个小村庄施放的幻术开始变为真实

    Illusions cast by gnomes from a small village have started becoming real . 53

  5. 他的观点挑衅了著名的幻术家HB,HB写了一篇相对的文章解释催眠的力量如何被扩大,以至于让人们相信他们正在被施催眠术。

    His insights provoked famed magician Harry Blackstone to write a counter-article explaining how the power of suggestion could be exaggerated to convince people that they were being hypnotized .

  6. 幻术师是否可以给物品添加魔法属性?

    Is an enchanter necessary to give magic properties to an item ?

  7. 66侏儒幻术师出售虚造的陶器,然后逃离了城市。

    66 Gnome illusionists sell false wares , then flee the city .

  8. 他更喜欢塑能系法术和可以辅助伪装自己的幻术。

    It prefers evocation spells and illusions to help it disguise it self .

  9. 婆婆,我和释已经过了幻术师最高层的考验。

    Mother-in-law , I and release underwent the imaginary technique teacher topmost story test .

  10. 53侏儒对一个小村庄施放的幻术开始变为真实。

    53 illusions cast by gnomes from a small village have started becoming real .

  11. 它不是萨满的发明专利,萨满只不过对这一古老的致幻术掌握的比较熟练罢了。

    It 's not an invention patent of Saman , but can hold relatively skilled to this ancient magic .

  12. 死灵魔法和幻术是两种魔法,治疗者都是牧师(属于另外一种魔法),他们可以属于任何一个阵营。

    Necromancy and enchanting are two kinds of magic . Healers are clerics , and they can be either Dark or Light .

  13. 我们整出的舞台魔术表演是精炼、业的表演艺术,融合了手法技巧,喜剧,读心和幻术。

    Our full-scale stage magic show is a cutting edge , professional act - complete with manipulation , comedy , mind reading and illusion .

  14. 瓦罗彻普:结合了小偷的隐密和狡诈与幻术师的力量,姚恩姚森不是个可以随便轻视的人。

    Combining the stealth and guile of a master thief with the power of a great illusionist , Jan Jansen is not one to lightly dismiss .

  15. 首映演出时约有1500名粉丝,其中许多人打扮成巫师的样子,他们被剧中各种出人意料的情节和舞台幻术震惊了。

    Some 1500 fans at the very first performance , many dressed as witches and wizards , gasped at the various plot revelations and stage illusions .

  16. 魔法有哪些不同的种类?巫师可以掌握火系、冰系魔法,幻象师擅长幻术,幻术师擅长控制那些活体单位,而亡灵法师则善于控制亡灵。

    What are the different types of magic available ? Wizards master fire and ice , illusionists master illusions , enchanters manipulate life forms , and necromancers control the dead .

  17. 她只是为了自己的消遣而耍一点小幻术,同时她想把小小的格尔达留下来。

    but she was no evil being , she only practised witchcraft a little for her own private amusement , and now she wanted very much to keep little Gerda .

  18. 这个戏法使用的是橡皮筋,它的名称叫做“魔法之手”。它是刘谦的代表性幻术之一。它在很多魔术道具商店中被展出。

    This trick uses elastic bands and is called " magic hands " . It is one of Lu Chen 's trademark illusions . It 's on display in many magic prop stores .

  19. 被蜂兰花的幻术吸引而来的雄蜂争先恐后地与花朵交配,预先带有特殊粘性的花粉便会粘在雄蜂背上。

    Male bees , seduced by the floral wizardry , fall to mating so vigorously with the flowers that they dislodge pollen packs pre-loaded with a special adhesive that sticks to their backs .

  20. 该剧在表演中运用了幻术等手段,强调舞台效果,为研究戏曲与曲艺之互动关系提供了新的视角。

    Such means as magic are employed in the play to highlight the effects on the stage , thus providing a new perspective to the studies about the interactive relationship between operas and folk performing arts .

  21. 演唱会上大玩魔幻术及瞬间飘移,王力宏不愿透露其中奥秘,只赞一切戏法是浑然天成,但不是魔术也不是幻术。

    Concerts playing technique and magic moments drift , Lee Hom did not wish to be one of the mysteries of only praise all the magic is totally natural , but it is not magic is not magic .