
  • 网络NINJA;Ninjutsu;Ninjitsu
  1. 鸣人的新术因会伤及自己的经脉而被列为禁术,而鸣人开始与自来也一起修炼新的组合忍术;

    Ming of the people will be hurt by the new technique meridians and their patients are classified as prohibited , and Wong uninvited people together and start practicing a combination of new Ninjutsu ;

  2. 迷人的小樱同样也在她的恩师纲手那里学到了不得了的忍术。

    Kosakura charming Her mentor same gang also learned the very hands of the ninja .

  3. 我想我只不过是懂忍术的普通人。

    I think I 'm a normal person who can use ninjitsu .

  4. 忍者拥有最终极的忍术能够杀人于无形之中。

    Ninjas have real ultimate powerful which can kill anyone they want !

  5. 红莲的忍术对三尾不起作用,幽鬼丸为了红莲控制住了三尾,救了红莲;

    Ninjutsu Honglian of the three does not work , in order to Honglian Onimaru You control the three , saved Honglian ;