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  • honeysuckle flower
  1. 然后是忍冬花,只是要远一点才好。

    Then the honeysuckles , so they be somewhat afar off .

  2. 小溪污染了,忍冬花凋零了。

    The branch was polluted and the honeysuckles had died .

  3. 忍冬花内蜜腺的解剖学研究

    Anatomic studies of The Floral nectary in Lonicera japonica Thunb

  4. 忍冬花爬满了凉亭,岩洞和山涧;

    Arbours o'ergrown with woodbine , caves abd dells ;

  5. 我们喜欢那儿,因为那儿有忍冬花。

    We enjoyed it there because honeysuckles grew there .

  6. 从蓝岭山脉吹过来的和风,带来了忍冬花的芬芳。

    A gentle breeze from the Blue Ridge Mountains carried the scent of honeysuckle .

  7. 蜂鸟歇在忍冬花上面。

    Hummingbirds were stopping over the honeysuckle flowers .

  8. 金银忍冬花器官的发生与发育

    Floral Organogenesis and Development of Lonicera maackii ( Rupr . ) Maxim The Flower Clock

  9. 他又一次看到了盛开的忍冬花。

    Once more he saw open honeysuckle .

  10. 我们总到那儿去,躺在树荫里,吮吸着忍冬花的芳香。

    We would go there to lie in the shade and suck the sweet smelling honeysuckles .

  11. 欧洲产的一种缠绕忍冬属植物,花芳香、红色和黄白色。

    European twining honeysuckle with fragrant red and yellow-white flowers .

  12. 这将为忍冬藤和连翘花资源的充分利用提供重要的理论依据。

    This from now on fully will provide the important theory basis for us using the C. Lonicerae japonica Thunb .

  13. 化学成分预试结果显示含有多糖、氨基酸、多肽、蛋白质及生物碱等成分,含有与忍冬植株茎、花相同的成分。

    Pilot test results show that chemical components contain polysaccharides , peptide , amino acids , protein and alkaloids etc , the same with the components in plant stem , the flower bush .