
rěn rǔ
  • Endure humiliation;endure contempt
忍辱[rěn rǔ]
  1. 李陵打算暂时先忍辱投降,以便伺机等待机会反击。

    Li Ling shamefully1 surrendered for the moment , planning to wait for an opportunity to strike back .

  2. 那个说过干活儿有失其身份的年轻人最终只能忍辱,做了厨房搬运工的工作

    The young man who said laboring was beneath his dignity finally put his pride in his pocket and got a job as a kitchen porter .

  3. 金德1999年撰写的《通往财务成熟的七个阶段》(TheSevenStagesofMoneyMaturity)一书将佛教中的“六度”(SixPerfections,其中包括忍辱和布施)应用到了现代财务管理等领域。

    Mr. Kinder 's 1999 book , ' The Seven Stages of Money Maturity , ' applies ancient Buddhist principles known as the Six Perfections , which include patience and generosity , to contemporary money management , among other things .

  4. 他的慈悲与忍辱远近传闻,他摄服了成千上万的信众。

    His compassion and patience werelegendary and he made thousands of followers .

  5. 我无奈须忍辱告贷。

    I was forced to swallow my pride and ask for a loan .

  6. 沾沾自喜时,不要忘了忍辱的时刻。

    If I enjoy moments of greatness I will remember moments of shame .

  7. 忍辱贪生不如死得光荣

    Better a glorious death than a shameful life

  8. 商人离开后,游客称赞搬运工能忍辱克己。

    After the businessman left , the traveler complimented the porter on his restraint .

  9. 你不会含屈忍辱畏缩不前。

    Thou wilt not cower in the dust .

  10. 站起来战斗总比屈膝忍辱过日子要好。

    It is good to stand to battle always than goes down on the knees .

  11. 我不再把逆境当作敌人,而是将它视为一个修习忍辱的机会。

    I no longer see adversity as an enemy but as an opportunity to practice tolerance .

  12. 最伟大的牺牲是忍辱,最伟大的忍辱是预备反抗。

    The acceptance of shame is the greatest sacrifice , and the deepest shame is the prelude to resistance .

  13. 由于不得不忍辱做出许多让步,为美国烟草业效力的游说者怒不可遏。

    The US tobacco lobbyists were grump , as they had had to swallow a thick cloud of concessions .

  14. 日本以擅入本国海域为由,拘捕了一名中国拖网渔船船长,最终却被迫忍辱退让。

    Japan was forced into a humiliating climbdown after it arrested a Chinese trawlerman accused of trespassing in its waters .

  15. 他夸口说可以轻易打败对手,结果却给对手打败,只有含羞忍辱收回自己的狂言了。

    He boasted that he could easily beat his opponent , but after his defeat he had to eat the leek .

  16. 是非以不辩为解脱,烦恼以忍辱为智慧,办事以尽力为有功。

    Is not to argue , trouble for relief to endure the shame for wisdom , to try to work for education .

  17. 面容动作、言谈举止合宜得体,都是从日常生活中修养忍辱得来。

    It is by cultivating tolerance and humility through the affairs of daily life that we become refined in demeanor and conduct .

  18. 虽然历朝天子都对他怀有敬慕之心,而历朝皇后都是他的真挚友人,苏东坡竟屡遭贬降,曾受逮捕,忍辱苟活。

    With the successive emperors as his personal admirers and the empresses as his friends , Su Tungpo managed to be demoted and arrested , and to live in disgrace .

  19. 如果总把球赛看作是生死攸关的事情,那麻烦就大了。你得死个好几回。忍辱贪生不如死得光荣

    If you make every game a life-and-death thing , you 're going to have problems . You 'll be dead a lot . Better a glorious death than a shameful life

  20. 他向我们展示了一幅日常生活和普通人民的宏大而动人的画面。面容动作、语举止合宜得体,都是从日常生活中修养忍辱得来。

    He shows us a great , moving picture of everyday life and everyday people . It is through the daily cultivation of tolerance and humility that we become refined in demeanor and conduct .

  21. 假如当年海丝特.白兰忍辱受罚时站在那里围观的人群能够重新召集起来的话,他们在这昏黑的午夜依然无法分辨台上人的面孔,甚至也难以看清那人的轮廓。

    If the same multitude which had stood as eye-witnesses while Hester Prynne sustained her punishment could now have been summoned forth , they would have discerned no face above the platform , nor hardly the outline of a human shape , in the dark grey of the midnight .