
  • 网络Eastern Christianity;Christianity of the East
  1. 东方基督教独立教会

    Eastern Christianity , independent churches of

  2. 因此根据一些东方基督教,对,在印度东海岸确实存在非常非常,早期的基督教形式。

    According to some forms of eastern Christianity therefore , and yes there was very , very early forms of Christianity in the west coast of India .

  3. 因为赛斯资料如此专注于我们对这个世界的关注,它比东方思想和基督教远更是一种社会哲学。

    Because the Seth Material thus focuses our attention on this world , it is , much more than Eastern thought and Christianity , a social philosophy .

  4. 并且,大多数东方宗教,不像基督教,对谁能获得觉悟并不设限。

    And , unlike Christianity , most Eastern religions place no restrictions upon who can receive enlightenment .

  5. 然而,东方教义变得比基督教更加具有局限性,我遵照的修行使我很反感。

    However , Eastern teachings turned out to be much more limiting that Christianity , and the practices I followed made me very ill .